Knex Challenge

Today P4 were challenged to build a Christmas decoration out of Knex . However each bit of Knex also had a cost and they had to build it for under £5.00. This challenge tested P4’s teamwork, creativity, budgeting and problem solving skills. At the end of the challenge, considering both the cost and the design, the class voted on their favourite decoration.  We had great fun!

Here are photos of us in action:


How to….

This term in P4 we have been learning to write instructions.

P4 were then set the challenge of using their knowledge of instructions to present a ‘How to…’ talk to the class, showing the class how to make something of their choosing.

The criteria for the talks were:

  • Introduce your talk
  • State what resources and equipment you need
  • Use sequencing sentence openers as you present each step
  • Talk clearly and loudly
  • Show the audience what you are making
  • Round off your talk

We have really enjoyed listening and learning from each other. Some of the things we have learnt to make this week include: a diamond snowflake, a Christmas cracker, a rice snowman, a Christmas card, a cardboard tube reindeer, Christmas baubles and many more.

Investigating Numbers in P4

We have had a great afternoon investigating numbers using a new resource called Numicon. We have created number lines and played ‘missing number’. We have also played ‘hidden number’ and have had to ask questions to guess which Numicon shape was hidden in the bag.

Here are some of the questions we asked to guess the number:

  • Is it odd or even?
  • How many times does 3 go ito it?
  • What colour is it?
  • Is it a two digit number?
  • Is it greater than 6?

P4 have really enjoyed investigating numbers.