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Last week the children were invited to wear a touch of tartan and performed a poem, at the Ceilidh, for the senior citizens. The children performed a poem called “Scottish Rain” by Tom Byran. They did a fantastic job at learning the poem! Well done Primary two!

Primary two have also been doing some lovely artwork. We collaged thistle pictures and made Nessie pictures.




K’NEX Workshop

Today Primary 2 took part in a K’NEX Christmas workshop. They read the story “Aliens Love Panta Claus” by Claire Freedman and then had to build their own alien, using the K’NEX. After, they had to draw their own alien design on a pants picture. The children had a fabulous time! They worked really well in their groups and developed their skills in team work and cooperation.

Buddy Class

Our ‘Buddy Class’ this year is Primary 5. We had a lovely time with them doing an Autumn hunt outside. We saw lots of different coloured leaves, an apple and pear tree!

We also shared our story writing with P5. We have been writing Autumn and leaf acrostic poems.