Space Monkey was sick.

Space Monkey has a cold so we have been teaching him how to blow his nose and sneeze without spreading germs. Sneezy Sam came to show us how far a sneeze goes if you don’t cover your mouth.

It is very important to cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your hand or elbow when you sneeze so you don’t spread germs.

He also had a sore paw. We bandaged it up for him and bandaged each other up to so we can help each other if we are hurt.

We are helping Space Monkey.

Unfortunately Space Monkey crashed into a tree in the playground a few weeks ago. He is very lost so we have been teaching him about the local area. We wrote a letter to his Mummy and Daddy and taught him how to post it.

We have been looking after him very well.

His Mummy and Daddy wrote back to us to say that Space Monkey had never celebrated Pancake Day because they don’t have that on his planet. We had to go to Tesco to get the ingredients so we could make him some pancakes.


We all thought they were really nice pancakes. We had butter and jam or sugar and lemon on them. Thank you to Summer’s Grandma and Ollie’s Daddy for coming with us.