Afternoon trip to Crathes Castle

The afternoon Early Learning classes had their turn to visit the grounds of Crathes Castle.  We were blessed with another lovely sunny day and a good time was had by all. We explored the wildlife garden, saw some newts in the pond, went in ‘Rapunzel’s Tower’, found lots of different bugs on our hunt with the rangers and had a picnic lunch.  We also had time to have fun and games on the grass and at the adventure playground.  We were all very tired by the time we got back to Fernielea.  Once again, thank you so much to all our parent helpers, without your support the trip would not have been possible.

Morning Trip to Crathes Castle

The early Learning morning classes went to Crathes Castle for their annual school trip.  We had an amazing day and the sun shone for us.  We went on a mini beast hunt with a ranger, had a picnic lunch, played ball games and explored  the wildlife garden.