Elephants Toothpaste

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On Wednesday 3rd of February we did an experiment, looking at the reaction between some chemicals. The ingredients we used are Hydrogen peroxide ,yeast , warm water , fairy liquid ,canisters ,goggles and cups.

We are going to explain it step by step if you want to do it at home.

Step 1: Pour the hydrogen peroxide in to the canister.

Step 2: Squeeze the fairy liquid/soap (it will work with either) put it in the canister and then mix it together.

Step 3: put the warm water into the cup and pour in the yeast and mix it (for 30 seconds )until it is dissolved.

Step 4: We put the warm water with the yeast in it into the canister with the hydrogen peroxide and then watched the results.


What happens is that the yeast breaks down the hydrogen peroxide into oxygen which then is released and because of the fairy liquid is turned into bubbles.  As the reaction happens so quickly it releases heat. This is called an exothermic reaction.

By katy and Alex