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In maths we have been learning to tell o’clock times on digital and analogue clocks. We have enjoyed playing time bingo and also time games on the iPad!


Texture Art

This week in art we have been learning about textures.

We looked at plants and leaves,  and spoke about smooth, bumpy, rough and pointy textures.  We then explored different media to create leafy pictures which we are going to put next to our dinosaur display.

Dinosaur Measuring

On Monday the room 7 palaeontologists went into the playground to investigate the lengths of five different dinosaurs. We used our feet. We found that the longest dinosaur out of the ones we were measuring was the Bracchiosaurus and the shortest was the Velociraptor. Not only did we measure really carefully, we also worked so well with our partners!


Term 3 Information


This term we will be continuing our active literacy approaches.  This will involve the children working independently, with partners and as part of a group to complete activities.  Please help your child by practising their common words at home e.g. short  5 minute bursts using flashcards for word recognition and practise writing these words so that pupils develop the ability to write these independently.  This greatly improves your child’s ability to read and write.



We are learning to add and subtract through games, songs and other activities.  In the next few weeks children will receive number bond flashcards e.g. 4 + 1 = 5, 2 + 3 = 5.  Please help your child learn these.  We will also be learning about money and time.



This term our topic is dinosaurs.  We are learning about different species and their characteristics.  We are learning to use factual books to carry out research.  We are learning about the work of a palaeontologist and when dinosaurs lived in relation to humans.  We will also explore different theories about dinosaur extinction.



Appointments – it is very important that you notify the class teacher in writing, in advance, of any appointments.

Our gym days for rooms 4 and 5 are on a Monday and Thursday, and room 7 is on a Monday and Friday.

Thank you!

Dinosaur Hunters

This week we were visited by a dinosaur who left a note for us. He knew we were going to be finding out about dinosaurs this term and was really excited. He left us Dinosaur Hunter I.D. Badges to fill out and wear every time we do our dinosaur investigations so that we are like real palaeontologists!



Explore Learning visit

Kirsty and Lauren from Explore Learning Centre came to visit on Thursday. We learnt about bar graphs. During the session we made human bar graphs using ourselves and also created individual bar graphs. We particularly enjoyed making a human bar graph about our favourite flavour of ice cream!



Egg Experiment

This week we learned about how to look after our teeth. We looked at what foods are good for our teeth and what foods are bad. To understand this better we carried out an experiment using eggs. We put one egg in milk and one egg in fizzy juice. We left the eggs for a few hours then had a look at what happened. We found that the egg in the milk stayed the same while the egg in fizzy juice had dark brown marks on it. This showed us what happens to your teeth if you eat too much sugar!

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Wash your hands!

This week we learned about washing our hands. We learned about when we should wash our hands and how to do it properly. We made posters by printing our hands and bubble painting. They look great on the wall! image image