This week the children opened an Animal Hospital for pets and wild animals! It has been really busy! Any poorly animals can be brought in next week.
February 26, 2016
by Miss Aitken
This week the children opened an Animal Hospital for pets and wild animals! It has been really busy! Any poorly animals can be brought in next week.
February 12, 2016
by Miss Aitken
We ended a very busy week with a relaxing yoga session!
February 5, 2016
by Miss Aitken
We learnt that the primary colours are blue, red and yellow. Piet Mondrian was an artist who liked using primary colours. We created our own pieces of art inspired by this artist .
This week we discovered that secondary colours that can be made when 2 primary colours are mixed together. We also mixed these colours together to make tertiary colours. Continuing with our abstract art theme we mixed our own colours to make Mark Rothko inspired art.
January 27, 2016
by Miss Aitken
Term 3
This term we will be continuing our active literacy approaches. This will involve the children working independently, with partners and as part of a group to complete activities. Please help your child by practising their common words at home e.g. short 5 minute bursts using flashcards for word recognition and practise writing these words so that pupils develop the ability to write these independently. This greatly improves your child’s ability to read and write.
We are learning to add and subtract through games, songs and other activities. In the next few weeks children will receive number bond flashcards e.g. 4 + 1 = 5, 2 + 3 = 5. Please help your child learn these. We will also be learning about money and time.
This term our topic is dinosaurs. We are learning about different species and their characteristics. We are learning to use factual books to carry out research. We are learning about the work of a palaeontologist and when dinosaurs lived in relation to humans. We will also explore different theories about dinosaur extinction.
Appointments – it is very important that you notify the class teacher in writing, in advance, of any appointments.
Our gym days for rooms 4 and 5 are on a Monday and Thursday and room 7 is on a Monday and Friday.
Thank you!
January 22, 2016
by Miss Aitken
This week we really enjoyed a workshop provided by Explore Learning. We extended our understanding of data handling and how we can present our findings in different ways. We particularly enjoyed making and reading different human bar graphs. We also created our own bar graphs on paper.
January 21, 2016
by Miss Aitken
Please remember to bring back your PLP book if not already done so. Remember cardboard tubes by Tuesday 26th. Thank you!
January 15, 2016
by Miss Aitken
We are looking for some cardboard tubes for our topic. Please bring in before Tuesday 26th January. Thank you.
January 15, 2016
by Miss Aitken
This week we wrote down our New Year’s resolutions. We are going to try hard to keep to these! We will check later on this term to see if any of these have been broken.
January 8, 2016
by Miss Aitken
To celebrate 2016 we all made our own seasonal calendar. We have been learning about the days of the week and months of the year as well as how to use a calendar. Everyone will get a turn at setting our class calendar that tells us the day, date, month, year, season and weather.
December 10, 2015
by Miss Aitken
Fantastic performance of our P1 Nativity, Hey Ewe. Well done to all of the boys and girls for their hard work.