Engineering week

Last week we had a team of teachers and engineers in school helping us to learn about the different types of engineering jobs there are and the skills and tasks they do.

We completed 4 challenges and had to learn some knowledge and skills about being therse types of engineers using the story of Goldilocks and the 3 bears as our theme. Here are some of our challenges…

We were design engineers – designing and labelling materials in baby bear’s garden…

We were civil engineers building a prototype den for baby bear from different materials…

We were agricultural engineers thinking about how machines and growing crops can give us our products to eat…

What a fun week. We know materials + engineers = product !

Education city homework

Across the school we have a homework trial for Education  City. The usernames and passwords for your child are in their reading records.

From a PC or Mac you can sign into education city at

From mobiles devices you will need to download Puffin Academy. Click here for these instructions:

At home you will only have access to the homework part of EDucation Ccity.

Please do ask if you have any questions about how to access Education City.
