Dear Mr Carter,
I hope you’ve enjoyed all of your years here at Broomhill School. We are sad to see you go. In this blog post we are going to sum up our greatest “Mr Carter Moments” at Broomhill.
In the 2016 dance-a-thon which was in memory of Mrs Rohan, Mr Carter dabbed. This was a happy moment – it was quickly followed by the rest of the teachers dancing behind the scenes to whip and nae nae!
We also liked being in assembly when he would let us lie down whilst he read stories to us – this was a relaxing experience. The P7s enjoyed two and a half fizz-whizzing years of reading the BFG with you. Another highlight of assemblies was all of his funny impressions, stories and his funny jokes! And not to mention his amazing drawings (haha).
Goodbye Mr Carter, we’ll miss you. P6/7 is wishing you (and your cap) all the best.