Week 7- CLIC targets
C- Counting- Decimals
L- Learn it’s- Times Tables- I can recall times table facts with speed.
I- It’s Nothing New- Data Analysis
C- Calculations- Subtraction
Week 7- CLIC targets
C- Counting- Decimals
L- Learn it’s- Times Tables- I can recall times table facts with speed.
I- It’s Nothing New- Data Analysis
C- Calculations- Subtraction
Week 7- Spelling
Cameron has been trying hard to put in full effort during lessons, he has been showing great listening skills and is demonstrating he is an confident individual. Particularly during showtime practices, where he is standing out on stage for his smile, beautiful singing and great attitude.
Week 6- CLIC targets
C- Counting- Core Numbers- I can find the gap between a positive and negative number
L- Learn it’s- Times Tables- I can recall times table facts with speed.
I- It’s Nothing New- Multiplication
C- Calculations- Division. I can complete division sums using a preferred method
Week 6- Spelling
Jasmine has been putting in great effort in maths and challenging herself! You are making great progress! Jasmine has also been a star during Showtime practice, showing drama skills and acting talents! Keep shining bright Jasmine