Welcome back!
It’s the beginning of term 2, a busy, exciting term with lots to look forward to and lots to achieve!
We had a very successful 1st term and I am looking forward to seeing primary 7 continue to be successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and confident individuals.
This term our curriculum focuses are:
Maths- Estimation and Rouding/ Data Analysis
Numeracy- CLIC targets- These will continue to be posted weekly (on the blog and on Google Classroom)
Spelling- Group focuses. These will also continue to be posted weekly (on the blog and on Google Classroom)
Writing- Correspondence/Letters- with a persuasive focus
Reading- Group focuses.
PE- Basketball
Health and Wellbeing- Relationships, health and parenthood. Focus changes weekly.
Art- Perspective and Printing
Topic- Aberdeen. We will be exploring Aberdeen’s landscape, land use, areas of interest and comparing Aberdeen with a contrasting area.
As always any questions please get in touch.
Miss MacAskill