Week beginning Monday 7th February 2022

At the end of this week we have the mid-term holiday. School is closed for pupils on Monday 14th (holiday), Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th February (in-service days).

Letter Sounds

This week we continue with the digraphs (2 letter sounds), as we have now completed all the single initial sounds. These are a little trickier for the children to learn and remember as they are often in the middle of words rather than at the start.  Our letter sounds this week are ee and or. Letter ee homework should be completed for Wednesday and letter or homework should be completed by Friday. Please think of any word containing the digraphs, for the phonics homework.

Common Words

The children now have the third word wall stuck in their white homework book. This can be used at home to revise the next set of sight vocabulary.  Words for this week are saw and went. Please complete the common word homework for Thursday by counting and writing each word.


Reading continues on Monday and Thursday this week.

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