Working with our Book Buddies

We continue to read our books and go over our Wordpot Words with our P5 Book Buddies each week. We’ve recently started playing some games to help with recognising our common words and this week used our magnetic boards to practise spelling lots of 3 letter words.  We love working with our Book Buddies!

Weekly plan – week beginning 9.11.15

untitledIt is remembrance day on Wednesday and we will be observing a minutes silence in school. Poppies can still be got from school for a small donation.

Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

First night with the book – read the story together, look at the pictures and discuss what’s happening. Have a look at any words in the word pot and see if your child can find them in the text. Ask your child to read the text to you, supporting them when necessary. If they are stuck with a word, encourage them to sound it out, look for clues in the picture and the story.

On the second night see what they can remember about their book from memory. Ask them to read the text to you and then focus on words from the text, or in their pot, that they struggled with.

Common Words – did and him. Primary 1 homework will be given out on a Monday and should be completed for the Thursday. This week there is a common word wall in jotters. Please practise reading each word on the wall ready for a wee assessment at the end of the week.

Phonics – u and l. Please remember to complete the word making activity in home/school books. Thank you to all parents who have worked with your child to make words. It not only builds spelling skills but also reinforces the individual sounds.

P2 will be reading and writing 3 letter words and will get spelling homework on Monday which should be completed for Thursday. These words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday. You can see how well they have done as it is completed in the back of their homework jotter.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will either be working with numbers words to 10 or 20. We will also be introducing or continuing addition.


This week was all about fireworks in Room 1. We wrote about Kipper and the fireworks, coloured firework pictures, wrote a firework poem, made up a firework dance and made a fantastic bonfire picture!! Have a look!!

CLIC targets – 2.11.15

Primary 1.

Counting – Forwards and backwards to 10.

Learn Its – 1+1 =2

It’s nothing new –

Calcualtions – 1 and 2 more within 10.


Primary 2.

C – Forwards and backwards to 20.

L – Revising 1+1 =2, 2+2=4, 3+3=6, 4+4=8, 5+5=10

I – Revising Halving 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10

C – 1 and 2 more within 20.

CLIC targets

We have now started our Big Maths CLIC sessions in class. These are approximately 20 minute sessions, usually within our maths time, which focus on very specific numeracy targets.

Because we have a Primary 1/2 we will have two sets of CLIC targets although there will be some cross over at certain times and for certain children.

C – Counting. Practising counting skills, going forwards and backwards, from different starting points, up in tens, twos etc.

Learn Its – Number facts to be learnt.

I – It’s nothing new. Using previous knowledge to help understand and aquire new skills.

C – Calculations. Various aspects of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Weekly Plan – week beginning 2.11.15


Gym will be on a Thursday this term. It would be helpful if girls wore trousers that day or at least not a pinafore!

Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

First night with the book – read the story together, look at the pictures and discuss what’s happening. Have a look at any words in the word pot and see if your child can find them in the text. Ask your child to read the text to you, supporting them when necessary. If they are stuck with a word, encourage them to sound it out, look for clues in the picture and the story.

On the second night see what they can remember about their book from memory. Ask them to read the text to you and then focus on words from the text, or in their pot, that they struggled with.

Common Words – are and me.  Primary 1 homework will be given out on a Monday and should be completed for the Thursday.

Phonics – g and 0.

P2 will be reading and writing 3 letter words and will get spelling homework on Monday and should be completed for Thursday.  These words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday.  You can see how well they have done as it is completed in the back of their homework jotter.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will either be working with numbers to 10 or 20 – counting, recognising, writing, and ordering.  We will be focussing on ordering numbers and the concept of more/less.

Weekly Plan – Week beginning 26.10.15


Welcome back to Term 2!

Please can we ask that all clothing and equipment is clearly named as we begin this new term.


Our timetable is as follows:

Library visits at break time on Mondays in our newly revamped school library (optional for pupils to attend)

Music is on Tuesdays with Mr Smith.

Book Buddies with P5 on Tuesday afternoons.

Science is on Wednesdays with Mrs Will.

Gym will probably be on Thursdays with Mrs Northcroft (although this has still to be confirmed).

On Fridays the children will usually have Assembly and Golden time.


Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

First night with the book – read the story together, look at the pictures and discuss what’s happening. Have a look at any words in the word pot and see if your child can find them in the text. Ask your child to read the text to you, supporting them when necessary. If they are stuck with a word, encourage them to sound it out, look for clues in the picture and the story.

On the second night see what they can remember about their book from memory. Ask them to read the text to you and then focus on words from the text, or in their pot, that they struggled with.

Common Wordsthe and and.  Primary 1 homework will be given out on a Monday and should be completed for the Thursday.

Phonics – This week we will be consolidating c, e, h, r, m and d.  There will be word making homework in the H/S book at the end of the week. This is a job to do when you have time over the next week. P2 will be reading and writing 3 letter words and will get spelling homework on Monday and should be completed for Thursday.  These words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday.  You can see how well they have done as it is completed in the back of their homework jotter.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will either be working with numbers to 10 or 20 – counting, recognising, writing, and ordering.  We will be focussing on the concept of ‘1 more‘.

Exploring Shadows

In Science we have been learning about shadows. We were finding out that a shadow is made when something comes in-between a light source and the earth. We explored how shadows can move and change size by using lots of different materials, torches and other light sources.

Weekly Plan – Week Beginning 5.10.15


Please can we remind you that all clothing, shoes and equipment should be clearly named.  We would very much appreciate your support as a considerable amount of staff time is being used to try and identify missing property.

On Friday we will be visiting the local church for our end of term service.  Families are most welcome to join us at South St Nicholas Church, Kincorth Circle at 9.30am.

Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

First night with the book – read the story together, look at the pictures and discuss what’s happening. Have a look at any words in the word pot and see if your child can find them in the text. Ask your child to read the text to you, supporting them when necessary. If they are stuck with a word, encourage them to sound it out, look for clues in the picture and the story.

On the second night see what they can remember about their book from memory. Ask them to read the text to you and then focus on words from the text, or in their pot, that they struggled with.

Common Words – he and she. Primary 1 common word homework will be given out on a Monday and should be completed for the Thursday.

P2 Spelling Homework – will be given on Monday to be completed by Thursday. Please help your child to practise spelling these words ready for their spelling test on Friday. The spelling test is completed in the back of their homework for you to see how they are getting on.

Phonics – m and d. P2 will be reading and writing 3 letter words.

This is our last week of school before the 2 week holiday.  We wish you all a very pleasant break and look forward to seeing you again on Monday 26th October.

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