Category Archives: Parent Info

Photos and information about our class.

Book Buddies

Each week we are going to spend some time with the P5 class to promote and practise reading.

We kicked off by meeting the P5 children and getting to know them a bit better. We then found a comfy spot and read our books to our Book Buddy.

We had a great time and can’t wait to do it again this week.


This week in Science we were learning about 3 types of clouds.




We drew clouds and went outside to try and observe different clouds in the sky. We only saw Stratus clouds which looked like a big blanket of grey across the whole sky.


The children enjoyed listening to the following fun song and trying out some new words like ‘evaporation’, ‘condensation’ and precipitation’.  Have a listen and enjoy ☺️


Weekly Plan – Week beginning 21.09.15

weekly blog icon 2


Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

First night with the book – read the story together, look at the pictures and discuss what’s happening. Have a look at any words in the word pot and see if your child can find them in the text. Ask your child to read the text to you, supporting them when necessary. If they are stuck with a word, encourage them to sound it out, look for clues in the picture and the story.

On the second night see what they can remember about their book from memory. Ask them to read the text to you and then focus on words from the text, or in their pot, that they struggled with.

Common WordsI and in. P1 will get the Common Word homework on a Monday and should be completed for the Thursday.

Phonics – This week we will be practising the letters c and e.  Please continue to work with your child in consolidating the sounds s, a, t, i, p and n by using the sounds found in their envelope at the front of their H/S Book.

P1 had ‘Word Making ‘homework put into the H/S book at the end of last week. If your child has not completed this activity yet, please help them to do it in the next few days.

P2 will be reading and writing 3 letter words.  Spelling homework will be given on a Monday to be returned for Thursday.

 Number – Primary 1- Number formation of 7 and 8.

Primary 1 and 2 will either be working with numbers to 10, 20 or 100 – counting, recognising, writing, and ordering. We will be concentrating on using the words before, after and between to describe numbers.

Weekly plan – Week beginning 14.09.15

The children are continuing to settle into class and have adapted well to all the new routines and responsibilities!

Well done to Emma in P2 who is our class rep at pupil council.

Please can we ask that all clothing and equipment is clearly named. We already have a small collection of cardigans that noone has claimed!!!

Things are beginning to settle down and our timetable is almost organised.

Music is on a Tuesday with Mr Smith.

Science is on a Wednesday with Mrs Will.

Gym will probably be on a Thursday with Mrs Northcroft although this has still to be confirmed.

On Friday the children will usually have Assembly and Golden time.

Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

First night with the book – read the story together, look at the pictures and discuss what’s happening. Have a look at any words in the word pot and see if your child can find them in the text. Ask your child to read the text to you, supporting them when necessary. If they are stuck with a word, encourage them to sound it out, look for clues in the picture and the story.

On the second night see what they can remember about their book from memory. Ask them to read the text to you and then focus on words from the text, or in their pot, that they struggled with.

Common Words – as and at. Homework will be given out on a Monday and should be completed for the Thursday.

Phonics – This week we will be practising the letter n as well as consolidating s, a, t, i, and p. There will be word making homework in the H/S book at the end of the week. This is a job to do when you have time over the next week.  P2 will be reading and writing 3 letter words. This week they will be getting spelling homework.

Number – Primary 1- Number formation of 5 and 6.

Primary 1 and 2 will either be working with numbers to 10, 20 or 100 – counting, recognising, writing, and ordering.


Elmer the Elephant



Our mini topic in P1/2 is Elmer the Elephant.  We have been listening to lots of Elmer stories, making Elmer pictures and crafts using scissors and glue, drawing colourful pictures, using Elmer colours to sort into groups and making elephant patterns. Phew!!

Here are some pictures of our busy children.

How To Use Our Blog


We hope you find the information useful in this blog as we share the going-ons of our busy classroom.

To find the plans for each week, simply click on the ‘Weekly Letters’ tab on the right hand of this page, found under the heading ‘Categories’. You may need to scroll right to the top of the page before you can see it.

To see photos of our pupils and their activities, please click on the ‘Parent Info’ tab, also found on the right hand side of this page under the same heading of ‘Categories’.

We will be adding new information and sharing photos on this blog each week so please check it regularly.

If you have any queries or comments, please either chat to us at the end of the day or leave your message in the ‘Comments’ tab.  We look forward to hearing from you.