Category Archives: Parent Info

Photos and information about our class.

CLIC targets 11.01.16


Primary 1.

Counting – Counting and recognising numbers to 20.

Learn Its – 5 + 5

It’s nothing new – Doubling 1, 2 and 5.

Calculations – 1 and 2 more within 10.


Primary 2.

C – Recognising 100, 200, 300 etc.

L – 1 + 9 = 10

I – Revising Halving 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10

C – 1 and 2 more within 20.

Weekly plan Wed 6.01.16 – Fri 15.01.16


Happy New Year and welcome back to the new term!

Thank you so much for all the kind gifts you gave us for Christmas. We have thoroughly enjoyed drinking cups of cosy hot chocolate, relaxing in bubble baths surrounded by lovely scented candles and guzzling our yummy chocolates!!

Over the next few weeks each class at Abbotswell will be looking at a specific author. In room 1 it will be Julia Donaldson. We will be finding out all about her and investigating many of her much loved stories.

Our first week back was a revision week for P1 sounds so the final word making homework is now in P1 pink jotters.

On Monday Primary 1 will begin handwriting homework. The children will receive a letter to practise on Mondays and Wednesdays. The order of the letters is based on a handwriting progression that focusses on how the letter is made so it starts with c then o, a, d etc. Please help your child to practise carefully and encourage them to hold their pencil and form the letters correctly. There is a helpful pencil hold and letter formation sheet at the start of the pink books.

There will be no more P1 initial sound homework in the pink books.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. We have reorganised our reading groups to best meet the children’s needs but we may still need to make changes in the next few weeks as we continue to assess reading. If you have any questions regarding reading, please feel free to come in and discuss these with us.

Common Words – Wed 6.01.16 if and of. As this was such a short week some children may not have completed the common word homework. If it could possibly be completed by Thursday 14.01.16 that would be great.

Mon 11.01.16 – for and from.  Primary 1 homework will be given out on Monday and should be completed for the Thursday.

Handwritingc and o

Phonics – We will be focussing on reading and spelling three letter words.

P2 spelling homework will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. These words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will be working on subtraction.

Weekly Plan – 14.12.12

This is the last week before the school closes to pupils for the Christmas holidays.

I’m sure you will agree that the children were outstanding at their concert on Thursday and Friday.  Thank you for providing them with Christmas head gear and helping them with their songs.

On Monday morning we are visiting Kincorth Library to return all our books.

The Church Service will be on Friday at 10.30am. All are welcome.

There will be no reading books going home this week.

Common Words – on and all. Primary 1 homework will be given out on Tuesday this week and should be completed for the Thursday.

Phonics – This week we will be introducing the sounds y and x. You will find the sound activity in the P1 Home School books on Monday and Thursday.

P2 will not be getting any spelling homework this week.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will continue to work with addition with a focus on ‘stories of 4 and 5′ for P1 and ‘stories of 10′ for P2.  We will also be exploring pattern through making Christmas crafts and completing festive pictures.


Could we just take this opportunity to thank you for all your support this year and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 6th January 2016!

Merry Christmas

Christmas Party Clothes

Image result for clipart christmas partyOur Christmas party will be on Wednesday afternoon. There are a few options for what to do about party clothes!

The first option is that your child goes home for lunch and returns to school in all their finery for the party!

The second option is to put a whole change of clothes into school.  Can we please ask that the outfit is not too complicated and that it is something the children are pretty much able to put on independently. No tights please.  There is very little time to get changed and often only one adult in the classroom to help with dressing.

We are looking forward to a fun filled afternoon with Santa, games and part food.  We hope they are not too excitable when it’s home time!!

Helper Needed


On Monday morning, Room 1 are going to be returning their library books to Kincorth Library.  In order for us to be able to go, we will need 1 more adult helper to join us.  If you are available between 9am-10am and would like to come along, then please leave a comment on this post or speak to us at school.  Thank you for your continued support.


Christmas fun!

This afternoon we were painting paper plates ready for making holly wreaths. While we were getting crafty we made ourselves a little holly wreath treat to keep ourselves going!! Yum yum!! Some of us even took one home and gave it to someone special!! Some of us just gobbled them both!!

Visit to see Dan

On Friday afternoon we popped up to see Dan at South St Nicholas church. He told us all about Christianity and why people go to church. It was fun to look around and hear lots of interesting facts. We even had time for a song!!