Category Archives: Parent Info
Photos and information about our class.
CLIC Targets
Primary 1.
Counting – Counting and recognising numbers to 20.
Learn Its – 3 + 3 = 6 (and recap 2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 4 = 8, 5 + 5 = 10)
It’s nothing new – Doubling 1, 2, 3 and 5.
Calculations – 1 and 2 less within 10.
Primary 2.
C – Recognising 100, 200, 300 etc.
L – 3 + 7 = 10
I – Revising Halving 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10
C – 1 and 2 less within 20.
Book Swap
To promote reading and a love for books, the whole school is going to be doing a termly book/magazine swap. The first book/magazine swap will be launched next week (week beginning 25th January) to coincide with our Author Study.
Please encourage your child to bring in an unwanted book or magazine on Monday or Tuesday next week. Please ensure that it’s one that they no longer want to keep as another child will be taking it home! Rooms 1 and 2 will then compile all the books and magazines brought in and a time will be arranged at the end of the week to do the swap for all the children who participated.
If you have any queries, please feel free to ask using the ‘comments’ tab below. We are very much looking forward to our first book swap in Rooms 1 and 2.
Week beginning 25.1.16
We are continuing our author study of Julia Donaldson and are going to be doing some more activities related to The Gruffalo and will read some more of her popular stories.
The children have all been assessed to gauge how many of the common words they have learned. Please continue to practise any that have not been marked off. P1 have the lists in their white Common Word Book and P2 have the list in their Pink Home/School Book.
P1 Handwriting Homework – Handwriting letters for this week are g and e. These will be given as homework on Monday and Wednesday and should be returned to school the next day. Please help your child to practise carefully and encourage them to hold their pencil and form the letters correctly. There is a helpful pencil hold and letter formation sheet at the start of the pink books.
Common Words – This week our words are was and you. P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Thursday. P2s, please keep practising the word list in your Home/School Book.
Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.
Phonics – all the initial sounds have now been taught. In addition to reading and spelling three letter words, we will introduce the oa sound as in boat or coat. The sound will be put in the sounds envelope at the front of the pink book and can be used to make words along with the other letter sounds. There will be no written homework for this sound.
P2 spelling homework will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. These words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday.
Number – Primary 1 and 2 will be continuing to work on subtraction.
Meet our Pet Fish
After reading ‘Tiddler’ by Julia Donaldson, we were interested in finding out more about fish. We decided to get some pet fish to look after and were very excited when we set up their tank and welcomed them to our classroom!
We think that fish might get scared if we make too much noise, so our classroom has been extra quite this week!!!
After extensive discussions (!), names were suggested for each fish. We then all cast our votes and are pleased to announce that we have Tiddler, Snowflake and Goldie.
We Are Artists
For the last 2 days we have been experimenting with colour mixing as we painted a Gruffalo picture. We used a variety of Julia Donaldson’s illustrations to help us decide on the right colours for our pieces of art work.
We hope you like them as much as we do!
CLIC Targets – 18.01.16
Primary 1.
Counting – Counting and recognising numbers to 20.
Learn Its – 2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 4 = 8, 5 + 5 = 10
It’s nothing new – Doubling 1, 2 and 5.
Calculations – 1 and 2 less within 10.
Primary 2.
C – Recognising 100, 200, 300 etc.
L – 2 + 8 = 10
I – Revising Halving 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10
C – 1 and 2 less within 20.
Weekly Plan – 18.01.16
We are continuing our author study of Julia Donaldson and are going to be doing some more activities related to her much loved book, The Gruffalo. If we get some nicer weather this week, we are hoping to go up to the Gramps to do a Gruffalo Hunt with the children.
The final word making homework is now in P1 pink jotters.
P1 Handwriting Homework – Handwriting letters for this week are a and d. These will be given as homework on Monday and Wednesday and should be returned to school the next day. Please help your child to practise carefully and encourage them to hold their pencil and form the letters correctly. There is a helpful pencil hold and letter formation sheet at the start of the pink books.
Common Words – This week our words are be and we. P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Thursday. There are some children who need a bit more practise in recognising the second set of common words so we would appreciate your support in helping them at home. We will continue to assess Common Word Wall 2 this week.
Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. We have reorganised our reading groups to best meet the children’s needs but we may still need to make changes in the next few weeks as we continue to assess reading. If you have any questions regarding reading, please feel free to come in and discuss these with us.
Phonics – all the initial sounds have now been taught. In addition to reading and spelling three letter words, we will introduce the ai sound as in rain or hail. The sound will be put in the sounds envelope at the front of the pink book and can be used to make words along with the other letter sounds. There will be no written homework for this sound.
P2 spelling homework will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. These words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday.
Number – Primary 1 and 2 will be continuing to work on subtraction.
There’s No Such Thing As A GRUFFALO
We have had great fun exploring the story of The Gruffalo and acting out the different parts of the story.
Are You Using Our Class Blog?
We update our class blog throughout the week with photos, information and plans. We are keen to use it as one of the tools to help ensure we maintain close links between home and school, so would be interested to see who uses it.
If you are using this blog, please leave a comment by clicking on the ‘Leave a Comment’ tab below.
Thank you