Weekly plan Wed 6.01.16 – Fri 15.01.16


Happy New Year and welcome back to the new term!

Thank you so much for all the kind gifts you gave us for Christmas. We have thoroughly enjoyed drinking cups of cosy hot chocolate, relaxing in bubble baths surrounded by lovely scented candles and guzzling our yummy chocolates!!

Over the next few weeks each class at Abbotswell will be looking at a specific author. In room 1 it will be Julia Donaldson. We will be finding out all about her and investigating many of her much loved stories.

Our first week back was a revision week for P1 sounds so the final word making homework is now in P1 pink jotters.

On Monday Primary 1 will begin handwriting homework. The children will receive a letter to practise on Mondays and Wednesdays. The order of the letters is based on a handwriting progression that focusses on how the letter is made so it starts with c then o, a, d etc. Please help your child to practise carefully and encourage them to hold their pencil and form the letters correctly. There is a helpful pencil hold and letter formation sheet at the start of the pink books.

There will be no more P1 initial sound homework in the pink books.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. We have reorganised our reading groups to best meet the children’s needs but we may still need to make changes in the next few weeks as we continue to assess reading. If you have any questions regarding reading, please feel free to come in and discuss these with us.

Common Words – Wed 6.01.16 if and of. As this was such a short week some children may not have completed the common word homework. If it could possibly be completed by Thursday 14.01.16 that would be great.

Mon 11.01.16 – for and from.  Primary 1 homework will be given out on Monday and should be completed for the Thursday.

Handwritingc and o

Phonics – We will be focussing on reading and spelling three letter words.

P2 spelling homework will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. These words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will be working on subtraction.