Week Beginning 21.02.16


This week we welcome our PGDE Student Mr Campbell.  He will be with us in Room 1 until March 24th so please make him feel welcome at Abbotswell School if you spot him in the corridors or outside in the playground.

Open Afternoon – Wednesday 24th February 3.00-4.00pm for Room 1.

P1 Handwriting Homework – Handwriting letters for this week are y and j. These will be given as homework on Monday and Wednesday and should be returned to school the next day.

Common Words – This week our words are much and have. P1s, please complete the homework from last week and this week in the white book for Thursday. P1s and P2s, please keep practising the common word walls 1, 2 and 3 in your Home/School Book.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.

Phonics – This week our sounds are oo as in spoon and tool. The sounds will be put in the sounds envelope at the front of the pink book and can be used to make words along with the other letter sounds.

In class we do lots of word making activities, so ask your child to show off their knowledge to you. Why not try getting them to set out their sounds into alphabetical order and asking them to spell a range of 3 letter words, along with oa words (boat, goat, coat, float), ai words (pain, train, jail, nail) and ie words (tie, cried, lie).

P2 spelling homework will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. These oo words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will be working on subtraction. Primary 1 will be using doubles for subtraction (e.g. 4 – 2 = 2, 10 – 5 = 5) and Primary 2 will be learning about difference (e.g. Find the difference between 5 and 3).

Our topic for the next few weeks will be ‘Festivals and Special Days’.