Please can we remind you that all clothing, shoes and equipment should be clearly named. We would very much appreciate your support as a considerable amount of staff time is being used to try and identify missing property.
On Friday we will be visiting the local church for our end of term service. Families are most welcome to join us at South St Nicholas Church, Kincorth Circle at 9.30am.
Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.
First night with the book – read the story together, look at the pictures and discuss what’s happening. Have a look at any words in the word pot and see if your child can find them in the text. Ask your child to read the text to you, supporting them when necessary. If they are stuck with a word, encourage them to sound it out, look for clues in the picture and the story.
On the second night see what they can remember about their book from memory. Ask them to read the text to you and then focus on words from the text, or in their pot, that they struggled with.
Common Words – he and she. Primary 1 common word homework will be given out on a Monday and should be completed for the Thursday.
P2 Spelling Homework – will be given on Monday to be completed by Thursday. Please help your child to practise spelling these words ready for their spelling test on Friday. The spelling test is completed in the back of their homework for you to see how they are getting on.
Phonics – m and d. P2 will be reading and writing 3 letter words.
This is our last week of school before the 2 week holiday. We wish you all a very pleasant break and look forward to seeing you again on Monday 26th October.