This week we have been so busy!
We found lots of ice in our nursery garden.
The leaves were frozen solid!
We watched the ice melt on our warm fingers and counted how many seconds until it was all gone.
The frost was beautiful!
We also did a lot of math this week.
We found out one of our friends is exactly a meter high!
We have a meter stick and then two sticks that are 1/2 a meter then four sticks that are 1/4 meter. The children were very engaged in measuring each other and themselves as well as everything in the nursery and the garden.
We took our meter sticks and measuring tapes and went to find more sticks that measure 1 meter.
Some were smaller and some were bigger!
We got bark in our nursery garden to help soak up the mud! The staff worked really hard to make it less muddy for us.
Now that it is less muddy the children used the loose parts to build a brilliant extension on to the climbing frame.
We also did painting outside on the ice and frost, the paint froze on the wood causing pretty patterns. The children were encouraged to find something to paint with and most found sticks while others used fingers or hands.
This week has been so busy we have been developing our math skills including our number recognition.