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Week Commencing Monday 2nd September

This week the children start full time.

Please make sure your child knows if they are going to school dinners, having a packed lunch or going home for lunch.

Reminder – the children are only allowed fruit or vegetables for snack each morning.

The P1s will start learning letter sounds on Monday. We do two sounds each week (this week we will be learning s and a). Look out for the letter in your child’s book bag about our phonics homework. Letter s homework should be completed for Wednesday and letter a homework should be completed by Friday.


Every week in school the P1 children will be introduced to two common words. These will be revised daily and displayed in the classroom. Our aim is for the children to recognise and be able to read the words. They can be reinforced at home by completing the common word homework for Thursday each week. Words for this week are as and at. You may need to help your child writing the number after counting the words together.




Reading books will start to go home on Wednesday this week. To begin with the books have no words and will be changed daily. The children will hear the extended story in school and can retell the story to an adult at home. Look out for the letter about reading in your child’s book bag.

The children will get the main character names home in their word pot to begin with. Kipper, Biff, Chip, Mum, Dad and Floppy. See the reading letter for ideas of how these can be used at home.

Please bring the pink home/school book, reading book and word pot to school every day in the book bag.


At this early stage the children will be listening to stories about number, doing counting and pattern activities and forming the numbers.


Room 1 will have  Music on a Tuesday with Mr Smith and French on a Wednesday with Mrs Gilmore. Gym will be on a Monday. Please make sure your child has shorts for gym which are kept in school in their personal tray.