Today consolidate the ue sound. Below is a video you may wish to watch. Can you verbally put some sentences using ue words. For an extra challenge, work together to write some of these sentences and draw some pictures.
Remember to keep working on your CLIC targets (see Monday’s blog post).
Do you have chalk in your house? Previously we have written numbers on the playground floor and asked the pupils to jump the sum. E.g if you have asked them to solve 3+2, the pupils first stand on the number 3 and take two jumps to the right and landed on 5. You can then write the number sentence together. Likewise, if you asked them to solve 5-3, they would stand on the 5 and physically have to jump back two spaces to the right. This helps to reinforce their knowledge of addition and subtraction. This activity could also be completed indoors with your number line from your learning pack.
Joe Wicks
Get active with Joe Wicks today. I’d love to see photos! The link below is his video from yesterday. He posts a new video each day at 9am.
Have a fantastic day!