Our sound of the day today is er. I have loaded an er game onto all education city accounts which you may wish to play. The usual homework activity can be completed with this sound. Draw and/or write words containing the er sound.
At Abbotswell we use the Big Maths scheme. Each week the pupils are set CLIC targets which we explore together. These help with the children’s core numeracy skills. Each letter stands for one of the elements.
C– Counting
L– Learn Its
I– It’s Nothing New
C– Calculations
This week our targets are :
C- Comparing numbers within 10. Which one is bigger?
I have assigned a game to everyone’s Education City account under a city called ‘Comparing Numbers’. Your child may wish to play this. You could make you own number cards and ask your child, ‘Which is one is bigger 7 or 4?’. They could use their number line to support them if they are finding this challenging. There is also a comparing numbers challenge on Sumdog you may want to explore across the week.
L- Doubles within 10.
I–Doubles within 10.
C– I know how to take some away and count how many are left within 10.
Use any objects from around your house and ask your child to take them away. For example, lay out 8 cars and ask your child to ‘Take 6 cars away, how many do you have left?’. For additional challenge you can ask your child to write you the number sentence and read it to you. E.g 8-6=2.
You can spend a short time each day working on these targets.