Wednesday 25th March


Our new sound is ar. Below are some videos and activities that you may wish to explore together.

I have loaded an ‘ar’ game onto everyone’s education city account that you can explore.


We have been exploring data handling in Room 1 this term. Today challenge yourself to practice using tally marks. Can you use things around your house to make tally marks? Lollipop sticks, pipe  cleaners, sticks from the garden or even towels, get creative! Ask someone to give you a number and you could make that number of tally marks. Ask someone to lay out tally marks for you. How many tally marks are there? I’d love to see photos of your hard work!

Image result for tally marks rhyme


If you haven’t already tried cosmic yoga give it a go! It’s been great to hear that some of you have already been enjoying using it as part of your day.


Finally, I’m sure many of you will have seen children’s pictures of rainbows popping up in house windows. The idea is that children make a picture of a rainbow (sometimes with a positive message written on) and display in a house window to spread hope and happiness during this unsettling time. If your child has made one or would like to make one, please send me a photo of it as I would love to share a rainbow each day in my post to brighten up our day! 🌈😃


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