Category Archives: Transition

Transition Week 5

Hello Everyone,


This week we have photos of our awesome Buddies. We will continue to work with our Buddies next year when we move into Primary 1.  Have a look through them and see if you can recognise anyone.

Our Buddies


Do you know the letter sounds in your name?

This week we would like you to find objects that have the same letter sounds as the ones in your name.


If you do not know all your letter sounds that is okay. Just find items for the ones you do know.


Name Sam – Straw, Apple, Monkey

Or Strawberry, Slipper, Sock



I am looking forward to or excited about??


This can be anything you think will happen at Primary1 or in the school. If you’re grown up writes down what you say and can post it on your ILD or emails them to the nursery staff.


As always, we would love to see photos or videos of the challenge being completed.



Hello Everyone,


This week we have the photos of our really helpful Office Staff. Most of you will know Mrs Douglas in the office already. The Office staff help everybody in school.

Our Office Team

I would also like to tell you about our Dinner Ladies. They work in the school kitchens and cook lunch for all the boys and girls. They are really friendly and always have a smile. It makes them really happy when the children remember to say please and thank you!


When you go to school most children have either a school dinner or a packed lunch to eat at lunch time. You also get to take a healthy snack for playtime!

This week’s challenge is for you to be able to open up a packet or a container. For example:

  • yogurt pot;
  • bag of fruit;
  • small plastic container/tub (that you would find in a packed lunch box)

Can you also drink out of an ‘open’ cup one with no lid.


I am a bit worried about?

This can be anything you are not sure about Primary 1. If you’re grown up writes any worries you have down and posts them on your ILD or emails them to nursery staff we will be able to answer your questions.

As always we would love to see photos or videos of the challenge being completed.

(Here is a hint for completing it– have a packed lunch outside!)


Transition Week 3

Hello Everyone,


This week for transition we have given you photos of all the Teachers.  They are all really friendly and do lots of fun things in their classrooms. No matter who your teacher is we know you will have lots of fun while learning in your class.

Our Teachers

Challenge Task

Can you put on your own shoes and jacket?

Can you fasten your jacket?

Challenge Task

When out on your daily walk can you find:

The main entrance to the school?


The Infant entrance door?

(Hint – if you walk up the playground from the nursery door and walk round the school you will find it.)


*If you can we would love to see a video or a picture of you completing your task. We would also like to hear the answer to our question. These can be uploaded on to your ILD or sent by email. *


Transition Week 2

Hello Everyone,


This week for transition we have given you photos of all the Pupil Support Assistants. These friendly staff members help support you at school and also look after you in the playground. They always have a lovely smile and are looking forward to getting to know you.

Our PSA Team

Challenge Task

Our challenge tasks are all things that will help you to be independent in school.

Can you blow/ wipe your own nose with a tissue, bin it and wash your hands properly afterwards?

Challenge Question

What do you think you will learn about and do in Primary 1?

*If you can we would love to see a video or a picture of you completing your task. We would also like to hear the answer to our question. These can be uploaded on to your ILD or sent by email.*