All posts by Miss Palmer

Global Outdoor Classroom Day

Hello Everyone!

Hopefully the sun shines today, as it is Outdoor Classroom day.

Here is a couple of activities you can do while enjoying the nice weather:

See the source image

Make your own nature paint brushes from twigs, leaves, petals, flowers or anything that inspires you. Attach your materials using string or elastic bands (Loom bands would be great for this). If you do not have paint, why not mix a little water with some mud and you now have natural paint too.


Or why not try some nature weaving, all you need is a piece of cardboard, some elastic bands or string and some natural resources which you can collect from your garden or on a walk.

Learning and Exploring Through Play: Nature Weaving


The story today, is called Bugs Galore, I hope you enjoy!

Stay Safe!

World Bee Day!!!

The purpose of World Bee Day is to raise awareness of the importance of Bees.

I do not know about you, but I have seen lots of Bees in my garden, buzzing around the flowers and also bumping into my living window. Have you seen Bees near your house?

Here is a little video about what the Bees do:

Here is why they are important:

Can you create your own picture of a bee? It could be drawn, collage or even made of junk? Or you could make a flower out of paper? Anything you create, we would love to see, either post this on ILD or email us.

Here is a lovely story about The Very Greedy Bee:

I hope you enjoy.

Stay Safe




Transient Art

Hello Everyone,

A huge thank you again to all the families that have uploaded photos of the children doing the activities from their friends.

Here is another activity that has been created by one of our friends.

Transient Art:

What you will need:

  • A piece of paper, card or flat surface
  •  Items to create your letter or picture- This could be natural items from the garden or from a walk, or items from your own home.



  •  Pick a letter as a stencil for your transient art picture, or use your items to create an amazing picture. No glue necessary.
  •  Ask a parent to take a picture.
  •  The items can be tidied up and re-made into a new picture.

Above is our friends finished picture, dandelions in the shape of an “A”.

We would love to see your creations.


Here is a song about five little flowers:

Stay safe.