All posts by Miss McDonald

Wednesday 1st April

Hello everyone and Happy April Fools Day!

Today our story is inspired by one of our children who has been pretending to by a Tiger! 

Some of our children have been baking at home while nursery is closed. 

What would you give a Tiger if it came to tea at your house?


Here is a fun song about animal tails. Can you guess who they belong to?


Have a great day and remember to post what you have been doing on your ILD or Tweet it to @abbotswell.

Important Message to Our Nursery Families.

We are aware that things are a bit strange and can be a challenge at this moment and that everyone is adapting to the current situation.  Can I please ask our Nursery parents to contact us just to let us know how you are doing.

It can be a simple we are all good, to letting us know what your child has been up to or asking for help if you are struggling. Just because Nursery is not open does not mean that you can not approach us if you need advice or just a friendly ear to listen.

We as a School are still here to support you and your child.

You can contact us through

  • email- using the address you were given
  • Your child’s Interactive Diary

Stay Safe and we will all get through this together.

The Nursery Team!

Monday 30th March

Good Morning everyone.

We hope you are all taking care. 

Here is today’s story and song. 

Remember you can ask a grown up to video you singing and post it to your ILD or Tweet to @abbotswell to share.

Parents if you are requiring support or have any questions, please contact the nursery team through the email addresses given to you. Together we will all get through this unusual times.