All posts by Miss McDonald

Thursday 14th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you have all been having a good week so far. A huge thank you to all the families that have uploaded photos of the children doing the activities from their friends.

All the parents have been creating fantastic learning opportunities for their children at home. We are enjoying sharing these with all the children.

Here is another activity that has been done by one of our friends

Blowing Bubbles

What you will need:

  • A Container
  • Water
  • Washing up liquid
  • Sugar
  • Teaspoon
  • a straw or home made bubble wand.


  • Measure 1/2 cup of water into a container
  • Add 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • Add 2 teaspoons of washing up liquid
  • Mix together carefully
  • Use a straw or bubble wand to blow bubbles.

Here is how our friend was blowing bubbles on the table!

We would love to see how you get on.

Did you know that blowing bubbles develops so many skills. Fine motor by holding the wand/straw. Focus and concentration for the actual blowing. Muscle control in and around the mouth that helps with speech. All of this is just the blowing of them. Add on watching the bubbles or chasing and bursting the bubbles (if you have used a wand) and you have even more skills being developed. This is a simple but great activity.

How big a bubble can you blow before it pops!

Goodbye and stay safe everyone.

ELC Placements 2020-21

We have received an update on the  applications for ELC Placements for 2020-21


Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Applications

We are aware that Aberdeenshire Council ELC offers are being issued.  Aberdeen City Council Early Years Team are still reviewing all applications for ELC places in order to identify the best way forward at this time.  Please be assured that we will advise of placements for 2020-21 as soon as we can.  Thank you for your patience



Wednesday 13th May

Hello everyone,

We have another activity by one of our friends today –

Making a bean bag!

What you will need:

  • An old sock
  • Uncooked rice or pasta
  • Spoon
  • String


  • Open your sock
  • Fill it using a spoon until it has enough rice so you can hold it in your hand.
  • Tie sock closed with string or similar
  • Play with your bean bag and have fun!

Here is an example of an activity you can do

Here is a song you can use your bean bag with. Listen carefully and follow the instructions

What else could you do with your bean bag. We would love to hear your ideas.

Tuesday 12th May

Hello everybody,

Today we have another activity for you from one of our friends.

What you will need:

  • Masking tape or similar
  • Coloured chalk


  • Mark out a shape on the ground with the masking tape
  • Place strips of tape randomly within the shape
  • Colour in the areas created by the tape
  • Peel the tape off carefully

We would love to see your creations.


The story for today is a bit disgusting, it is a new story about the Big Bad Bogey!

Did you recognise the other stories in the book?

Have a good day and stay safe.

Monday 11th May

Hello Everyone,

We hope you all had a great weekend. We are having lots of different weather just now – sun, rain and snow! Did you see the snow on Sunday? I was hoping we could have a snowman building competition, but the snow didn’t last.

Here is an activity we can do. This was posted by one of our friends.

As you can see our friend made a bracelet with different things they collected on their walk. Do you think you could make a bracelet or perhaps a crown?

Here is what you will need:

  • Enough card/ paper to wrap round your wrist for a bracelet or head if you are making a crown.
  • Double sided sticky tape
  • Items you collect on a walk

Here are the instructions:

  • Measure and cut the card/ paper to size
  • Put some sticky tape along the length of it
  • Stick down what you collect
  • Stick the ends of the card/ paper together
  • Wear it

We would love to see a photo of your creation.

Today’s story is all about colouring mixing.

Maybe you could experiment at home and see what different colours you can make.


Enjoy your day.