All posts by Miss McDonald

Monday 25th May

Hello everyone,

We should have had our Nursery Sports this week. I am really disappointed that we are going to miss this, as you are all super racers! I am sure the mummy’s and daddy’s will all being missing the special race they usually do for you also.  I wonder who’s family would have won this year!

We have decided that this week we are going to post different activities for your health and well being. They might be a recipe, story or an activity. Make sure you check each day to see what we have posted.

Here are some ideas for you to have your own sports day at home with your families.


We would love to see any photos or videos of you doing these.

Take care and stay safe



Transition Week 3

Hello Everyone,


This week for transition we have given you photos of all the Teachers.  They are all really friendly and do lots of fun things in their classrooms. No matter who your teacher is we know you will have lots of fun while learning in your class.

Our Teachers

Challenge Task

Can you put on your own shoes and jacket?

Can you fasten your jacket?

Challenge Task

When out on your daily walk can you find:

The main entrance to the school?


The Infant entrance door?

(Hint – if you walk up the playground from the nursery door and walk round the school you will find it.)


*If you can we would love to see a video or a picture of you completing your task. We would also like to hear the answer to our question. These can be uploaded on to your ILD or sent by email. *


Celebrating You

Another week has passed, and the nursery children are still doing lots of learning at home.

The nursery children have also been taking part in the Gratitude Scavenger Hunt set by Mrs Tysom. Can you guess what their pictures are of?

Well done, and a Huge congratulations to all the nursery families – You are all doing a fantastic job!

Monday 18th May

Hello everybody,

I hope you all had a good weekend and did lots of fun things at home.

Today I had a hard time deciding on which story to choose. In the end I decided to post both of them. You can choose which one you would like to hear, or you could listen to both!

You can let me know what you decided, and if you listened to both which one you liked best and why?

Have a good day and stay safe.

Transition Week 2

Hello Everyone,


This week for transition we have given you photos of all the Pupil Support Assistants. These friendly staff members help support you at school and also look after you in the playground. They always have a lovely smile and are looking forward to getting to know you.

Our PSA Team

Challenge Task

Our challenge tasks are all things that will help you to be independent in school.

Can you blow/ wipe your own nose with a tissue, bin it and wash your hands properly afterwards?

Challenge Question

What do you think you will learn about and do in Primary 1?

*If you can we would love to see a video or a picture of you completing your task. We would also like to hear the answer to our question. These can be uploaded on to your ILD or sent by email.*

Scavenger Hunt

Good Morning,

Mrs Tysom has set a Gratitude Scavenger Hunt Challenge in all the classrooms. I have posted a copy of it for any of the nursery children who want to join in. The children have until the end of May to find any of the things on the list. It can be just one thing or as many as they like. All we ask is that you send us a photo of the things you find. Happy Hunting!