All posts by Miss McDonald

Favourite Books

On our Google meets this week we have been looking at our favourite books.

Lots of our friends and the teachers enjoy the Dinosaur that pooped books – just because it is funny and contains a lot of poop!

Here are the books that were selected on our Google meets.



Have you read any of them?

Thursday 18th June

Morning everyone,

Some of your friends have been showing how well their pea plants have been growing.

Haven’t they been doing well caring for them.  How big did your pea plant grow?

Have you been growing any other plants at home? We would love to see them.

For today’s activity follow the link to the school twitter page

Can you make a rainbow?

Have a great day and we look forward to seeing your rainbows.


Monday 15th June

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a good weekend. and had lots of fun adventures.

I would like to share Play Scotland’s information on different types and ideas for play at home. There is some great but simple ideas here to keep the children and family busy along with some useful websites.




Today we have a story about family.

All families are different, who lives in your family can you draw them?

What do you like doing best with your family?

You can share your pictures on your ILD or email them to us.

Take care