Global Outdoor Classroom Day

Hello Everyone!

Hopefully the sun shines today, as it is Outdoor Classroom day.

Here is a couple of activities you can do while enjoying the nice weather:

See the source image

Make your own nature paint brushes from twigs, leaves, petals, flowers or anything that inspires you. Attach your materials using string or elastic bands (Loom bands would be great for this). If you do not have paint, why not mix a little water with some mud and you now have natural paint too.


Or why not try some nature weaving, all you need is a piece of cardboard, some elastic bands or string and some natural resources which you can collect from your garden or on a walk.

Learning and Exploring Through Play: Nature Weaving


The story today, is called Bugs Galore, I hope you enjoy!

Stay Safe!

World Bee Day!!!

The purpose of World Bee Day is to raise awareness of the importance of Bees.

I do not know about you, but I have seen lots of Bees in my garden, buzzing around the flowers and also bumping into my living window. Have you seen Bees near your house?

Here is a little video about what the Bees do:

Here is why they are important:

Can you create your own picture of a bee? It could be drawn, collage or even made of junk? Or you could make a flower out of paper? Anything you create, we would love to see, either post this on ILD or email us.

Here is a lovely story about The Very Greedy Bee:

I hope you enjoy.

Stay Safe




Transient Art

Hello Everyone,

A huge thank you again to all the families that have uploaded photos of the children doing the activities from their friends.

Here is another activity that has been created by one of our friends.

Transient Art:

What you will need:

  • A piece of paper, card or flat surface
  •  Items to create your letter or picture- This could be natural items from the garden or from a walk, or items from your own home.



  •  Pick a letter as a stencil for your transient art picture, or use your items to create an amazing picture. No glue necessary.
  •  Ask a parent to take a picture.
  •  The items can be tidied up and re-made into a new picture.

Above is our friends finished picture, dandelions in the shape of an “A”.

We would love to see your creations.


Here is a song about five little flowers:

Stay safe.



Celebrating You

Another week has passed, and the nursery children are still doing lots of learning at home.

The nursery children have also been taking part in the Gratitude Scavenger Hunt set by Mrs Tysom. Can you guess what their pictures are of?

Well done, and a Huge congratulations to all the nursery families – You are all doing a fantastic job!

Monday 18th May

Hello everybody,

I hope you all had a good weekend and did lots of fun things at home.

Today I had a hard time deciding on which story to choose. In the end I decided to post both of them. You can choose which one you would like to hear, or you could listen to both!

You can let me know what you decided, and if you listened to both which one you liked best and why?

Have a good day and stay safe.

Transition Week 2

Hello Everyone,


This week for transition we have given you photos of all the Pupil Support Assistants. These friendly staff members help support you at school and also look after you in the playground. They always have a lovely smile and are looking forward to getting to know you.

Our PSA Team

Challenge Task

Our challenge tasks are all things that will help you to be independent in school.

Can you blow/ wipe your own nose with a tissue, bin it and wash your hands properly afterwards?

Challenge Question

What do you think you will learn about and do in Primary 1?

*If you can we would love to see a video or a picture of you completing your task. We would also like to hear the answer to our question. These can be uploaded on to your ILD or sent by email.*

Scavenger Hunt

Good Morning,

Mrs Tysom has set a Gratitude Scavenger Hunt Challenge in all the classrooms. I have posted a copy of it for any of the nursery children who want to join in. The children have until the end of May to find any of the things on the list. It can be just one thing or as many as they like. All we ask is that you send us a photo of the things you find. Happy Hunting!

Thursday 14th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you have all been having a good week so far. A huge thank you to all the families that have uploaded photos of the children doing the activities from their friends.

All the parents have been creating fantastic learning opportunities for their children at home. We are enjoying sharing these with all the children.

Here is another activity that has been done by one of our friends

Blowing Bubbles

What you will need:

  • A Container
  • Water
  • Washing up liquid
  • Sugar
  • Teaspoon
  • a straw or home made bubble wand.


  • Measure 1/2 cup of water into a container
  • Add 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • Add 2 teaspoons of washing up liquid
  • Mix together carefully
  • Use a straw or bubble wand to blow bubbles.

Here is how our friend was blowing bubbles on the table!

We would love to see how you get on.

Did you know that blowing bubbles develops so many skills. Fine motor by holding the wand/straw. Focus and concentration for the actual blowing. Muscle control in and around the mouth that helps with speech. All of this is just the blowing of them. Add on watching the bubbles or chasing and bursting the bubbles (if you have used a wand) and you have even more skills being developed. This is a simple but great activity.

How big a bubble can you blow before it pops!

Goodbye and stay safe everyone.

ELC Placements 2020-21

We have received an update on the  applications for ELC Placements for 2020-21


Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Applications

We are aware that Aberdeenshire Council ELC offers are being issued.  Aberdeen City Council Early Years Team are still reviewing all applications for ELC places in order to identify the best way forward at this time.  Please be assured that we will advise of placements for 2020-21 as soon as we can.  Thank you for your patience