P6 Drama

Our children watched a theatre production called “Hope” on Thursday afternoon. The show was all about dealing with conflict and how people can be forgiven for their actions. They were so inspired that they wrote their own scenes, raps and songs( in their free time) and performed them for the rest of the class.

P2 – Our (short) week!

This week may have been short but we’ve had lots of fun!

On Thursday we made beautiful Mardi Gras masks with Miss Dezell using lovely gems and shiny paper, we were very excited to take them home today.

We started to talk about our new topic – The Future! We all had some great ideas about what we would like to learn about and were thinking about robots a lot! Someone mentioned that they wanted a robot that would tidy their room for them, don’t we all?!

We were very lucky to learn about St. David’s day at the P5/6 assembly today, we thought their dancing was excellent!

Looking in to next week, we have our trip to Belmont Picture House on Wednesday, we can’t wait!

Have a lovely weekend!

P2 Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day from all of primary 2! We had a nice day thinking about the people we love and creating some beautiful cards!

We also had a great time watching the afternoon nursery at assembly, I think we’ll be singing the pancake song for a while!

We finished the week in our favourite way, with a little dressing up and some arts and crafts!

Enjoy the break 😁