Square Numbers

Do you like learning about square numbers? Do you like using digital technology? Do you like showing square numbers using digital technology? If the answer to all these questions was “Yes!” then Primary 6 is the place to be. On Thursday, we explored square numbers by representing them visually using Colour Magic. We hope you like them.

P2 Lush visit and Picnic

It’s been a very exciting day in primary 2! This morning we had lovely Shae and Hayley visiting us from Lush on Union Street. They gave us some lovely ideas about reducing plastic packaging and we were lucky enough to make our very own bubble bar to take home! The whole classroom and corridor had a lovely smell all day!

Learning about alternatives to plastic

We also enjoyed a picnic at the end of the day as part of our topic on the Lighthouse Keeper book series by Ronda and David Armitage!

Enjoying our picnic!

We wish all Fridays were this exiciting!



P5/6: Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental a Health Week isn’t February 3-11! This week we created some information posters to put up around the school. During Bounce Back, we participated in some activities to remind us to have fun and feel good! Some activities included tongue twisters, and tangram puzzles.