To welcome autumn and unpredictable weather we are organised again to run ‘Wonderful Wednesday’.
Although we may go to the woods, we will be doing a variety of activities in different areas including outdoor activities, and having a group cooking for the afternoon too. We will all take turns. We have had a good start with the pupils using their fellow group members to create their names using their bodies. There were some interesting outcomes and some names are recognisable! We cooked some apple tarts and apple muffins (first group were Jack, Joseph, Grace and Alan) with some apples provided from Mrs Abel’s tree. They were delicious and some very competent baking skills were on show. This week, the pupils were in teams to complete some activities (the outdoors were brought indoors as a result of the wind and the possibility of our equipment flying away) and our cooking group (Caleb, Kristoffer and Izack) made some delicious potato scones with potatoes that Kristoffer and the gardening club had grown. While they waited for the tatties to cook, they also whipped up some pancakes. Good work chaps, great peeling, chopping and baking and a delicious result. Photos of these activities will be inserted into the blog, just as soon as Room 14 figure out how best to get them from the ipad onto the blog!