P6/7 Reading Radio Show

Our Primary 6/ 7 class have been working with Leslie from Shmu radio and will be presenting their own show live on the radio on March 14th, 11am – 12pm.

The primary 6/ 7 pupils are very excited about this and would love you all to listen.

Please tune into Shmu radio on 99.8fm to hear the show.

They would love you to phone, text or email when they are on air to let them know if you are enjoying the show.

The three ways people can get in touch with Quarryhill’s broadcasting team during Thursday’s Reading Radio show are –
By phone on (01224) 483413
By email on studio@shmu.org.uk
By text on 60300 – start your text with SHMU, leave a space, and then type the rest of your message.

Please listen and get in touch to let the boys and girls know what you think.

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