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Balanced Arguments

Choose a subject that you would like to write a balanced report about. It can be your own choice or choose from ‘Should pupils have to do homework?‘, ‘Did men really walk on the moon?‘, ‘Should moblie phones be allowed in school?‘ or ‘Do aliens exist?’

Write, in your homework jotter, arguments for and against your chosen subject. Some can be opinions but try to research and find facts too. For every argument for, try to have an opposing argument against.

Using the links below and the information from a previous homework task, design your own modern day gas mask. You can draw and label it and/or (even better) make it.

Link 1 shows you how to make a model of a ww2 gas mask but, if you use the template, you would need to adapt the design for modern day.

Link 1                      Link2

Please bring your design to school by Friday22nd March

You might want to take a photo of it and add it to your eportfolio. You can do this at home or in school.

Design a 21st Century Gas Mask

During WW2 everyone in Britain was given a gas mask in a cardboard box, to protect them from gas bombs, which could be dropped during air raids.
Use the following links to find out more about gas masks.

Link 1                                     Link 2

Homework Activity

  • What are the 2 most interesting facts that you have found out about gas masks?
  • Imagine that you had to design a modern day gas mask. Write a paragraph describing it and how it works. (You will have done this work successfully if someone else in the class can draw your mask after reading your description.)

The answers to the questions and the paragraph need to be submitted as a comment to this post by Friday 24th.