Community-Award Money

Click on the democracy weblink to access the activity.

 You are going to take on the role of a community centre leader. Start the activity and click on the centre door to enter. Meet the characters and decide who most deserves the money. When you have made your decision, write the name of the character and the reason you have chosen them, as a comment to this post.

This work is due by Friday 11th November. You can do this work on your own or, if possible, with a friend from the class so that you can discuss. If you do this with a friend, put both names on the comment.

20 thoughts on “Community-Award Money”

  1. I really enjoyed this activity it was a little hard but I finally got my answer.
    My answer is the parent and toddlers group my reason is because the toddlers needed room to play and it sounded like they weren’t having any fun.

  2. I really enjoyed doing it
    my answer is parents and toddlers because they would not have anything to do . but sitting around. they are meant to be having fun playing with their friends

  3. i gave the money to the computer club as the new equipment will help people in the centre and help people learn more with up to date equipment

  4. I like the democracy activity I found it really hard but the one that I chose was the parent and toddlers because if the kids had things to do the parents would be able to do other things in the club. I really enjoyed doing it.

  5. i liked the democracy activity i decided to choose the parent and toddlers because they had nothing to do.

  6. we think that this activity was really hard but we finaly got there.
    we have finally made our decision we think it is the parent and toddlers. The reason we put this anwser is because the children had nothing to do but now i think they will.

  7. I chose the judo class because it wasn’t safe for them to use the old mats. It also benefited the toddlers and parents club as well because the toddlers were able to use the mats to play on. I liked playing this game I did chose judo class but my other choices could have been the Toddlers and Parents, Clair’s cafe or the salsa classes.

  8. We chose the rock,rap and scratch music club because they had no where to practise and if they couldnt practise they wouldnt be able to show there skills off.

  9. I really had fun doing that game i decided to choose the parent and toddlers because the toddlers had nothing to play with when the parents where chatting.

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