Category Archives: Competitions

Competition time


Calling all poets! 

Why don’t you enter the Foyle Young Poets Award 2013?

Or why not write about your most treasured object – something that has touched or shaped your life?  You can submit a diary entry, letter, poem, song or story to the Scottish Book Trusts Treasures page.  You could find your work included in a special book for Book Week Scotland 2013!

The deadline for both competitions is July 31 2013.

Sony Young Movellist of the Year

Calling all budding novelists!, Random House, the Sony Reader Store and The Reading Agency have joined forces to find the best young writer superstar.  Free to enter and open to writers aged between 13 and 19 years, this competition will see one young superstar receive an exclusive publishing contract with Random House.  Follow this link for more information.  Competition deadline is Sunday April the 14th.  Get writing!!

ReadingZone Picture Book Competition

Create your own picture book!  Competition open to those aged from 4 to 18 years.  Picture books must be paper-based and sized A4 portrait.  Picture books can be created using any media and can be any length, up to 24 A4 pages.  Visit the website for tips and guidelines and to download the template

Submit your entries to Mrs Üstün on or before Monday the 15th of April – to allow entries to be posted in time for the deadline on the 20th.

The Day – World Book Day competition

 The Day is a fabulous online news service for schools and colleges.  Their World Book Day competition asks you to write about a book you believe is essential reading in the modern world.  They’d like you to make a connection between your chosen book and current affairs, using The Day’s news articles.  For more information click here

Ask me (Mrs Üstün) for the school login details to search for an article that best relates to your chosen book.

Deadline Friday March 29th 2013.

Henrietta Branford Writing Competition

If you love writing stories and you’re aged 19 or under, why not enter the Henrietta Branford Writing Competition 2013.  Each summer the winners of the best six stories are invited with their families to attend the Branford Boase Award celebration party in London. There they can meet Dame Jacqueline Wilson and the authors shortlisted for the BBA award as well as editors, publishers, agents, and other professionals in this field. Each young winner receives a copy of all of the books shortlisted for the Branford Boase Award and are able to have their books signed. 

All you have to do is finish the story started by Annabel Pitcher, using no more than 1500 words.  Follow this link to her opening paragraphClosing date for entries Friday 26th April.

North of Nowhere Creative Writing Competition


If you’re aged 8-13, you can enter the North of Nowhere Creative Writing Competition to write a story of up to 500 words using the opening lines of North or Nowhere by Liz Kessler as your starting point.  You could win a digital camera, £100 worth of books for our school and have your story published on the Guardian Children’s Books website!

Read these top tips by Liz Kessler for some inspiration.

Closing date Thursday 28th March.

Poetry competition


Telling the truth about youth

Are you fed up with the way young people are viewed by society and portrayed in the media?  Now’s the time to have your say.

The challenge is simple:  you must write an original poem expressing your thoughts about perceptions and attitudes towards young people in today’s society.  The competition is open to pupils aged between 11-16.

Click on the icon above to go to the website for more details.  Deadline 29 March 2013

Secondary graphic novel competition

Renaissance Place and Raintree are challenging secondary school students to annotate and illustrate one of the following scenes/chapters in a graphic novel style consisting of no more than 12 panels:

  • Ulysses by James Joyce, Episode 12 “Cyclops”
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Chapter XVI
  • The Tempest by William Shakespeare, Act I, Scene I
  • The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, Act II, Part II
Fantastic prizes are available to be won courtesy of Raintree Publishers, including an Amazon Kindle for the winning student, £100 worth of books for the winning school and a set of Shakespeare and classic graphic novels – such as Macbeth and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow .
Entries should be submitted to Mrs Üstün by 25th March 2013.


Inspired? Get Writing!

Enjoy writing but need a little bit of inspiration and a goal to get started?

Why not enter this year’s Inspired? Get writing competition?  The National Galleries of Scotland are challenging you to explore their collection of drawings, paintings, prints, sculpture, photography or installation for some inspiration.  You can write in prose or poetry.  Closing date for entries is Friday 18 January 2013.  Get writing!!