Category Archives: Whole School

Primary 7 and Primary 3 Coffee Morning

Primary 7 and Primary 3 held a very successful coffee morning in Ferryhill Community Centre for parents and members of Ferryhill community.  They raised a grand total of £162 for school funds.  Thank you to everyone who helped out with baking and serving and also to Ferryhill Community Centre for always providing us with a warm welcome.

Ferryhill Community Centre              home bakes

Nursery are having a great time learning about their letters!

In the Nursery we are learning about letters.  We take a letter each week and relate activities to that letter.

In the last few weeks we have had aeroplane making and apple printing as part of “Aa” week, ballet dancing, a visit from a baby and bubble painting as part of “Bb” week and a visit from a cat, climbing in gym and cookie making for “Cc” week.

“Dd” week was a very fun and busy week.  We met Mrs Wood’s dog, took part in a drumming session with African drums and then we had a disco on Friday. We also did Duplo painting, made donuts and drumstick biscuits! A very busy week!


We are looking for someone to possibly show us some karate for “Kk” week, week beginning the 28th March 2016.  If you are keen and can help us please contact Miss Cunningham in the Nursery.

Important Dates

22nd February – Guides, Brownies, Rainbows, Girls Brigade can come to school dressed in their uniforms for ‘Thinking Day’.  We extend this invitation to include Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Boys Brigade.

3rd March – World Book Day – The pupil council decided that children should dress as their favourite book character and bring along a book which is special to them.

4th March – Musicians Concert – for all those who receive music tuition in school.  The choir will also sing.  Takes place at 10.00 at the church

5th March – Aberdeen Robert Burns Competition at Cults Academy – a letter will be put home shortly to those involved (made up of P4, P5, P6, and P7)

10th March – P5/6 to run a second-hand book stall for pupils.  Books will be priced between 20p and £1.  All donations welcome.

18th March – Inter-schools cross country competition for P5, P6 and P7 – selected pupils will receive letters soon (36 pupils will attend this event)

24th March – P4S, P4/5T and P5T to have a Science Open Afternoon for parents.

24th March – P5/6 and P6 to run a Victorian Tea Party with songs for parents of these classes.  Details to follow.

25th March – Good Friday – holiday

31st March – Archie in Africa Day – The Rights Respecting Steering Group have decided that this is a ‘dress as you please’ day.

1st April – last day of term.  We will have a Spring Service at the church starting at 10.00


Come along for a fun introduction to Netball.  It doesn’t matter if you have played Netball before or not! Come along with some friends and have some fun!

Where: Harlaw Academy

When: Mondays 3.45 – 4.45

Who: All P6 & P7 Girls from Harlaw ASG

To book, please contact Vicki on 07825 227 822.
