Category Archives: Whole School

PTA AGM Meeting

PTA AGM – Tuesday 27th September, 6.30pm-8pm, school staff room

All parents/carers are invited to come along to support the PTA, elect the office bearers for 2016/2017 & share ideas for fundraising/social events for this school year.

The PTA gets parents/carers together for social events and to raise much-needed funds for our school to buy things for all our children e.g. iPads for every classroom, books, craft supplies, First Aid training for kids, gym equipment, p1 blue bags, buses for class trips, playground equipment, etc …….

We are always looking for new ideas & extra help to organise events. A little bit of help from lots of people can do great things so please come along &/or offer your time!

If you are unable to come to the meeting but would like to help &/or have ideas, please contact our Chairperson, Angie Nicol via the the Ferryhill School Parent Forum Facebook page, 07776 292344 or

Thanks for your support of our school!


Aberdeen Play Forum – October Programme

“This year Aberdeen Play Forum is running a Summer Programme from the 10th to the 21st of October. The sessions are completely free and open to everyone. Please find the attached flyer and feel free to circulate.
Aberdeen Play Forum provides loose parts play in parks throughout Aberdeen City. Loose Parts are materials which children can move, adapt, control, change and manipulate in their play. Loose parts play offers children high levels of creativity and choice. The materials can be whatever the child wants them to be – the possibilities are endless. There are no set instructions with loose parts – children have to use their imagination, take control and lead their own play. With a little imagination they can be transformed into almost anything… Tarpaulins turn into dens, crates and tyres could be a car or a bus, pipes for water play and lots more!  The sessions are not structured, and staff allow children to take lead.  Staff will follow children’s play cues, and join in with play where necessary.”
Hannah Gibb (Aberdeen Play Forum)
Aberdeen Play Forum

Active Schools Champion of Champions Running Series

Ferryhill children have taken part in Active Schools Champion of Champions for P4 to P7 culminating in the following final events:

Ruby and Edie took part in the P5 girls event – 1600m – Edie was the overall winner for this.

Esther took part in the P4 girls event – 800m

Sam took part in the P5 boys event – 1600m

Active Schools Running



Ferryhill Multi-Cultural Day

United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child 

Article 30 – Children have the right to learn about and practice their own culture…

On Friday 10th June pupils enjoyed  coming to school dressed up in costumes from their countries.  We held a special Assembly where the Primary 3 to 5 Highland Dance class performed some of the dances they had learned over the last few months.  Pupils from every stage were able to share with the rest of the school some interesting facts about their countries.

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Summer Fair

Well done to Angie and her team for another highly successful Summer Fair.  £4600 was raised.  A very special thank you to everyone who helped make it a success.

The school appreciate all your support and hard work throughout the year.

Colour me Rad – Staff Event!



Colour me Rad image

On Sunday 28th Ferryhill staff had great fun in participating in the Colour me Rad charity 5km at Hazlehead Park.  The four charities we supported were:  Archie Foundation, CLIC Sarget, The Brain Tumour Charity and cclasp.  These are all very much close to our heart.

If you feel you would like to support us then it’s not too late.  The sponsor link is:

Kindest regards

Ferryhill Fitties!

International Dress-up Day – 10th June!

Your child has a chance to dress up in clothing which represents their culture.  This will be on Friday 10th June.  They also have homework to prepare about their culture.

Unicef Rights of the Childrrs logo – Article 14 – Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and practise their religion…

Erin Gildea and Sherwin Fernandes (Rights Respecting Steering Group)