Aberdeen Play Forum – October Programme

“This year Aberdeen Play Forum is running a Summer Programme from the 10th to the 21st of October. The sessions are completely free and open to everyone. Please find the attached flyer and feel free to circulate.
Aberdeen Play Forum provides loose parts play in parks throughout Aberdeen City. Loose Parts are materials which children can move, adapt, control, change and manipulate in their play. Loose parts play offers children high levels of creativity and choice. The materials can be whatever the child wants them to be – the possibilities are endless. There are no set instructions with loose parts – children have to use their imagination, take control and lead their own play. With a little imagination they can be transformed into almost anything… Tarpaulins turn into dens, crates and tyres could be a car or a bus, pipes for water play and lots more!  The sessions are not structured, and staff allow children to take lead.  Staff will follow children’s play cues, and join in with play where necessary.”
Hannah Gibb (Aberdeen Play Forum)
Aberdeen Play Forum