Category Archives: Whole School

School Football Teams Quiz Night

 The school football teams have organised a fund-raising Quiz Night at the Hawthorn Bar, Holburn Street on Saturday 27th September at 8pm.  There will also be a raffle and sandwiches served on the night.

Tickets cost £5 and all proceeds will go into the football team funds to buy equipment etc.  Teams of 5-8 people and everyone is welcome!

Please contact your Class Rep or Football Coach if you would like to buy some tickets.

It’ll be a fun night with Ferryhill folk so we hope to see you there!

School Football Teams

There is a football team for children in every year at Ferryhill School from primary 2 to primary 7, organised by volunteer parents of children in the teams.  

They always welcome new members, boys or girls, and if your child would like to take part then please contact the school office who have a list of all the coaches and their contact numbers.


Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers 2014 – Items ordered

 The school was delighted with the huge amount of Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers that were collected last term!  As a result, they were able to order the following items:

  • Monster trax
  • Katcha kup
  • Scoop set
  • Gamester perforated balls
  • Spots and stripes balls
  • Playground balls (variety of sizes)
  • Rainbow skipping ropes
  • Play boccia set
  • Megascoops
  • Velcro® balls
  • Ribbon glitter sticks
  • Pom poms
  • Super grip netballs
  • Sequencing spots
  • Wheely bags
  • Club shuttlecocks
  • Egg and spoon set
  • Mini tennis balls
  • Ball storage container
  • Blindfold pack
  • Netball bibs
  • Fox 40 whistle
  • Báden institutional basketball
  • 1 youth basketball system

School Holiday Consultation

Aberdeen City Council is consulting all stakeholders on the school holiday pattern from 2015/16 to 2019/2020.

If you wish to find out more about this and sumit your views  you can do so by following this link:


You can obtain a paper copy of the consultation document at the school office and we can send your completed response to Aberdeen City Council for you.

Submissions should by made  by 5pm on 17 September 2014.

School Newsletter

Ferryhill School Newsletter (August 2014)

Dear Parents/Carers

We would like to welcome back all the pupils for the start of the new school session. It is fabulous to see all the children back at school looking so smart with the transition to the new uniforms well under way. We would like to offer a special welcome to pupils who have newly enrolled in the school and to our new nursery and P1 children. We look forward to working with you over this school year.

School Blog

Please remember to check the school blog regularly for updates. This is where we post any news and information that might be important to you. In particular we have been asked about school holiday dates. There is a permanent link on the blog to the Aberdeen City Council website which has the most up to date information on this. You can also find a full list of dates at the end of this newsletter.

The blog can be found at

School Uniform/Naming of Clothes

The new uniforms are looking great. As you are aware we continue to strongly encourage the wearing of the school uniform. Order forms are available at the school for anyone wishing to make a purchase. Orders should be placed directly with the supplier, details of which are on the school blog.

All clothing (but especially sweatshirts and polo shirts, as they are all the same) should be clearly labelled or marked with your child’s name. Each year we are left with many items of unclaimed lost property. With your help we would like to keep this to a minimum.

Book Bags

The new blue Book Bags are also looking great. Could we ask that you check that only homework books and reading books go into the Book Bags. Some of the pupils are also using them to carry their snack and other items which can damage the reading books.

School Entry

Just a quick reminder that all visitors to the school must report to the school office before going any further into the school building. This is to ensure everyone’s health and safety.

Information Updates

At all times we need to ensure we have up to date information regarding the children in our care. With this in mind we will be issuing Contact Update Forms for you to check over and make any necessary changes. A quick turn around of these forms would be very much appreciated. If any details change after this time please let the school office know so that we can keep our records accurate.

School Drop Off

We have been contacted by some of our neighbours who have expressed concern about the traffic around the school in the morning and at pick up time. Could I remind everyone to take care and make sure that children are dropped off safely.

Absences and Lates

If your child is to be absent from school please could you let the office staff know. This will save them calling you later in the day. If you know early on, a message left on the answer phone before 8.30am is fine.

We would also appreciate your support in making sure your child arrives in time for the start of the school day. The first part of the day is very important as this is usually when the teachers explain the work of the day.

School Lunches

School lunch tickets remain at the price of £2.10 each. Tickets can be purchased on a Monday and Friday morning. Payment can only be made in cash or cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Aberdeen City Council. Catering staff cannot sell tickets during lunch service for health and hygiene reasons.

Health Promotion

We are currently reviewing our activities within the school to ensure that they meet with our health promoting ethos. With this in mind, we would ask that as from now, no birthday cakes are brought into school and also no sweets are sent in for distribution to classes on birthdays. We appreciate you helping us to develop as a health promoting school.

Office Hours

The school office is open from 8.30am until 4.00pm. The office will also be closed between 12noon and 1pm. Messages can be left on telephone answer service if there is no one available to take your call.

If you are coming to the school in person, please be patient if you are not granted access immediately. The office staff may be elsewhere in the building. They will get to you as quickly as they can.

School Dates Session 2014 – 2015

(In-Service Days)

  • 18th August 2014
  • 18th September 2014
  • 17th November 2014
  • 17th February 2015
  • 18th February 2015
  • 1st May 2015

Term 1 – 19 August 2014 – 10 October 2014

  • In-Service Day (staff only) Teachers Training Day – Monday 18 August 2014
  • Pupils Return – Tuesday 19 August 2014
  • September Holiday – Friday 19 and Monday 22 September 2014
  • Term Ends – Friday 10 October 2014
  • October Holiday – Monday 13 to Friday 24 October 2014

Term 2 – 27 October 2014 – 19 December 2014

  • Term Starts – Monday 27 October 2014
  • Term Ends – Friday 19 December 2014
  • Christmas Holiday – Monday 22 December 2014 to Friday 2 January 2015

Term 3 – 6 January 2015 – 2 April 2015

  • Term Starts – Monday 5 January 2015
  • Mid Term – Monday 16 February 2015
  • Term Ends – Thursday 2 April 2015
  • Easter Holiday – Friday 3 to Friday 17 April 2015 (Good Friday 3 April 2015)

Term 4 – 20 April 2015 – 3 July 2015

  • Term Starts – Monday 20 April 2015
  • May Day Holiday – Monday 4 May 2015
  • Term Ends – Friday 3 July 2015

We look forward to working with you over the course of this session and thank you for you continued help and support.

David Wallis

Head Teacher

August 2014

Request for Parent Help

The P7 teachers would like some help to dismantle the Kit car the children built last year.

This can be done during the school day, any help would be much appreciated.

Please contact the office if you can spare an hour or two.

Many Thanks