Category Archives: Whole School

‘Read for Rwanda’

A reminder that ‘Read for Rwanda’ finishes today (Friday 27th). P7N would appreciate it if you could return any sponsor forms and money to them as soon as possible. We will let you know how much money has been raised as soon as we can. Thank you in advance for all your support with this initiative.

Fairtrade Coffee Morning

P7N and P5M/R have organised and are running a coffee morning in support of Fairtrade. This will take place on Friday 6th March at Ferryhill Community Centre from 10am until 12.00noon. Tickets are on sale now and are available from P7N. The price of the tickets are £3.30 for adults and £2.00 for pre-school children. We hope that you can come along.

Thank you,

P7N and P5M/R


Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic Book Club orders are due back in school on Friday 6th March. Please note that we do not have facilities to process credit/debit cards. If you wish to use this method of payment please send the order directly to Scholastic. The school will still earn commission on any orders sent in this way. Thank you.

School Newsletter

Ferryhill School NewsletterFebruary 2015

Dear Parents/Carers

We continue to use the Blog and Groupcall as the main ways to get information to you as we feel this is the most efficient way to do this.

The blog can be viewed at

Scots Poetry

Well done to all the pupils who learned a Scots poem. The primary 7 pupils had a very tricky time trying to choose the best 3 from each class to perform at our assembly. The standard was very high and it was clear the amount of hard work that had been put in. As a follow up to this some of the pupils from primary 4 to primary 7 will be put forward to represent the school at a poetry competition in March. More details to follow.

Cross Country Running

Well done to all the pupils who are taking part in Mrs Begg’s ‘Jog Scotland’ on a Monday lunchtime. It is great to see pupils giving up some of their lunch hour to take part. Mrs Begg has also held Cross Country trials and some pupils from primary 4 to primary 7 will be representing the school at a cross country competition later  this session.

Supporting Charities

Every year the school is asked to support many worthy charities. We have to make the hard decision which ones to support. At the moment we are looking at how many we can commit to so that we are not asking for your support too often. This term we have decided to support ‘Archie in Africa’. More details will appear in the press and from the school soon. We are also supporting a series of events in connection with the trip Mrs Ng is taking to Rwanda during the summer break. She will be working in schools to help support the work that is done there.

World Book Day

We will be celebrating World Book Day on the 5th March. On this day pupils can come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book.


Our P4 and P7 pupils are currently enjoying free swimming lessons at the Hazlehead Pool and the RGU pool.

Students in School

We are very lucky to have some visiting students to the school from Robert Gordon University and the North East of Scotland College. They will be leading the pupils in a variety of activities in Music and P.E.

Spree Books

Thank you to everyone who purchased a Spree Book through the school. This raised over £400 which will go towards school funds.

Absences and Lates

If your child is absent from school please could you let the office staff know. This will save them calling you later in the day. If you know early on, a message left on the answer phone before 8.30am is fine.

We are still concerned with the number of pupils arriving late to school in the mornings. The first part of the morning is very important as this is usually when the teachers explain the work of the day. We would appreciate your support in making sure they are here for this.

School Session Dates

School Holiday dates can be viewed on the blog and also on the Aberdeen City Council website at

The dates for the remainder of the session are below;

Term 3

Mid Term Holiday – Monday 16th February 2015

In-service Day – Tuesday 17th February 2015 (School closed to pupils)

In-service Day – Wednesday 18th February 2015 (School closed to pupils)

Term ends – Thursday 2nd April 2015

Easter Holiday (Friday 3rd to Friday 17th April 2015)

Term 4

Term starts – Monday 20th April 2015

In-service Day – Friday 1st May 2015 (School closed to pupils)

May day Holiday – Monday 4th May 2015

Term ends – Friday 3rd July 2015


Mr D. Wallis

Head Teacher

PTA Meeting

PTA Meeting

The next PTA meeting will be held in the school staffroom on Tuesday 20th January from 6-8pm.  Please come along if you want to help with any fundraising or participate in discussing how the money that is raised is spent. All are welcome.

Christmas Jumper Day

A big thank you to everyone who supported the ‘Christmas Jumper Day’. There were some very stylish jumpers on show! As a result of this effort, Ella in P6 has passed on £257.46 to the Save the Children charity.