Follow the link to find out what is happening with Harlaw ASG Active Schools and how they are helping to ensure your child is more active:
Follow the link to find out what is happening with Harlaw ASG Active Schools and how they are helping to ensure your child is more active:
Aberdeen Sports Village is offering five weeks of free swimming lessons to eligible children as part of our SwimFree@asv initiative. Your child might be eligible if:
– they are in Primary 6 or Primary 7 at one of Aberdeen City’s schools,
– they cannot currently swim, and
– they are not already enrolled in a learn to swim programme
For further information, or to apply, please visit our website at
Many thanks for the fabulous send off you gave me for my retirement. It was a day I shall never forget. Thank you for all the drawings, paintings, letters and cards which I will treasure. I am going to use my vouchers to buy a water feature for my pond and a garden bench so that I can sit and watch my frogs!!I can’t thank you all enough for making my time at Ferryhill so enjoyable with so many laughs along the way. Ferryhill will always be a special place for me and I take away lots of happy memories. A big thank you to you all.
Ruth Legdon xxx
The Play rangers will be at various locations in Aberdeen city with their Loose Parts Kit promoting free play for families and children.
‘Loose parts are materials that have no specific purpose – these include items such as stones, sticks, tarpaulins, sand, fabric, crates, boxes, rope, tyres, balls and lots more. Loose Parts provide and promote choice to children in their play. They can use the materials in the way that they choose to. Loose Parts promotes child led play, rather than adult led. Children playing with loose parts are demonstrating more creativity and imagination and developing more skills and competence than they would playing with fixed purpose toys.’
Click on this link to view the timetable: Oct Hols Advert 2015
If you are looking to keep your child active during the holidays, then please follow the link below to see what Adventure Aberdeen has to offer:
Aberdeen Bridge Club,
14, Rubislaw Terrace,
AB10 1XE
Tel. 01224 644773 (leave message)
Email: September, 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I am writing to let you know about lessons recommencing for 2015/16. We normally introduce the game to Primary 6 youngsters and would be delighted to welcome your child to a taster lesson after school on the 16th of September. This will take place in the Bridge Club. We will finish about 4.45pm.
Children from the Northeast of Scotland are amongst the most successful in the country at the game of bridge. We have under 26 players who regularly compete in National and European competitions receiving subsidies for travel and accommodation by the Scottish Bridge Union.
Bridge is the most popular card game in the world. It can be played by anyone from age 5 to 100+! The benefits for children include improving skills in numeracy, problem solving, memory and concentration.
MiniBridge is a simplified version of the game of bridge. It was first developed as an introduction to bridge for schoolchildren and was soon acknowledged as an excellent game in its own right.
Card playing helps children to identify numbers, similarities and sequences. Children love being clever and working things out – and winning. These are all possible when children learn to play MiniBridge, but because it is a partnership game they will also learn that they need to co-operate, share information and combine as a team to beat the opposition therefore their social skills improve as well.
Lessons are taught by qualified teachers who have disclosure under the PVG scheme. The lessons are free.
Please let me know through email or by leaving a message if you wish your child to attend this taster.
Yours sincerely,
“I’ve never met anybody that spent time to learn the game that didn’t consider it one of the great things in their life,” Warren Buffet (whose partner is Bill Gates).
The ASN Parents’ Forum meets 4 times each school year. Meetings will be alternated between evenings and afternoons. The meetings are an opportunity for parents and carers of children with additional support needs to come along and meet other parents and carers, as well as educational professionals. Please click on the link below to view the poster.
Aberdeen City Council has asked us to highlight the following exciting events:
The First is the “Wee Jaunt” Aberdeen on Sunday 13th September. This is a cycle event where we have created a 6 mile, on-road, traffic free loop which starts and finishes in Duthie Park, travelling via Tullos, Girdleness and Lighthouse and back alongside the River Dee. The loop is open from 8.30am to 11.30am and participants can do it as many times as they like in the time. Suitable for families and inexperienced and expert cyclists alike. To sign up and to find out more, go to .For those too young to take on the main loop, a smaller loop is also available inside the park itself. The park will be playing to host to other events on the day including a climbing wall and the Getabout bike roadshow, where people can come and try some weird and wonderful bikes.
The second is “In town without my car day” on Sunday 20th September. As part of European Mobility Week 2015, Aberdeen City Council will be taking part in “In town without my car day”. This will see Schoolhill (between Back Wynd and Blackfriars Street), Belmont street and Little Belmont street closed to traffic with the resulting space given over to a series of FREE activities to promote sustainable transport and to allow people to enjoy the traffic-free space. The attached gives more information of what is planned and activities include street dancing, giant street games, the Getabout bike roadshow, the eco driving simulator and A WATERSLIDE!!!! We are encouraging social media activity with the hashtag #getabout
Lastly, we have attached a poster for Road Safety Week Brake Road Safety Week
Thank you so much to all the parents and their family/friends who collected the Sainsbury’s Active Schools vouchers last term. Over 14,500 vouchers were handed in and this has enabled the school to order a large amount of equipment including: bean bags, hurdles, shuttlecocks, skipping ropes, volleyballs, hockey sticks & balls, tennis balls, cones, hoops, balls, and activity rings.
The equipment will arrive shortly this term and be great fun for the children to use.
This was a wonderful event held on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th June in the school field. The Friday evening was the adults tournament and involved 6 teams of school Dads. For the first time ever there were also 2 teams of school mums who played a good game (after only 1 training session) and entertained the crowds!
On the Saturday morning it was the children’s tournament with the school teams from P2-P7 playing the year above & below them, the final game was P7’s vs the coaches.
The event was a huge success in so many ways and enjoyed by all involved! Player fees for adult players and also donations from spectators & food/drink sales raised a total of £800 for the football team funds which is fantastic!
A huge thanks to all who helped organise and run these events!