All posts by Mrs Torrens

Riderz Stunt Team

We had a great day yesterday with the Riderz Stunt team! In the morning we did some travel planning and learnt how to check our bikes to ensure they were safe and in good condition to ride. In the afternoon we were treated to a fantastic, jaw dropping stunt show by the riders. We then finally completed our bike challenge, working on our balance by having to ride our bikes very slowly and being the last to cross over the line, even the teachers had a go!

P7 Class Newsletter

This term’s newsletter:

May 2014

Dear Parents,

We have reached the final term of Primary 7 and yet what another busy term it will be. Our topic this term will be Living and Growing and substance misuse. In addition to this we will be preparing for our Primary 7 show: The Keymaster which will be performed during the final week of school.

In Maths this term we have started the ‘Big Maths’ programme which uses a variety of strategies to improve the children’s mental maths skills and helps them draw links between previous and new maths concepts and calculations. Each Friday the children will complete a ‘total recall’ test in which they have to answer as many addition and multiplication questions as they can in 100 seconds. In addition to this they will complete a ‘CLIC’ challenge in which they aim to achieve 10 out of 10. This challenge covers a variety of calculations and mathematical concepts. We will also continue with our core maths and this term we will cover: time- calculating time intervals, interpreting timetables and using a formula to calculate speed, distance and time; statistics, recording and interpreting information from bar, line and pie charts; angles, measuring and calculating angles and measuring length.


In reading the children will be continuing to develop their comprehension skills, fluency and expression through a group reading book. They will continue to read a book of choice at home and complete reading homework on this text.

The children will continue to develop their skills in writing a variety of genres of texts and will be encouraged to use sophisticated vocabulary, powerful openers, sophisticated connectives and accurate punctuation in all their writing.

Ardeonaig Update

Now we are back, rested and almost fully recovered from our adventures in Ardeonaig, we have had the chance to reflect on our time away and share our most memorable moments. Here are some photos of the highlights of our trip away!

Ardeonaig Adventures!

So far this week we have: solved several unusual challenges, reached new heights, paddled unknown waters (Loch Tay), conquered the gorge and have developed our Bear Grylls’ skills while on Drummond Hill. We are having a great week and have been fortunate with the weather. Here are some action shots from our week so far!

Welcome to P7’s Blog!

Welcome to Primary 7’s blog. This is the page we will use to update you on what we are learning in Primary 7. We hope you enjoy finding out what we have being doing this term!

Miss Hodge

The Commonwealth Baton is on the Move!

Last Friday our ASG Commonwealth  baton continued on it’s journey from Fernielea to Kingsford School. Two children from each class were selected to be Commonwealth baton runners as well as P7’s two Active Schools Representatives.  We received a great reception at Kingsford School and our two Primary 7s had the opportunity to read out the message that had been selected to be carried within the baton. Thank you to all the parents who came out and cheered us along our way!

Our World War Two Week

For two weeks Primary 7 were able to experience a little of what it would have been like to be a child during World War Two.Each day, each child had to ensure they carried around their gas masks , gas mask boxes and their identity cards. If they were caught without them, they would have to write out ten times: “I must carry my gas mask at all times”. Teachers and Pupil Support Assistants checked their identity cards whenever they saw them. In addition, to add an extra challenge, each day there were two ‘spies’ with fake identity cards and the teachers’ challenge was to catch the spy!