P7 Class Newsletter

This term’s newsletter:

May 2014

Dear Parents,

We have reached the final term of Primary 7 and yet what another busy term it will be. Our topic this term will be Living and Growing and substance misuse. In addition to this we will be preparing for our Primary 7 show: The Keymaster which will be performed during the final week of school.

In Maths this term we have started the ‘Big Maths’ programme which uses a variety of strategies to improve the children’s mental maths skills and helps them draw links between previous and new maths concepts and calculations. Each Friday the children will complete a ‘total recall’ test in which they have to answer as many addition and multiplication questions as they can in 100 seconds. In addition to this they will complete a ‘CLIC’ challenge in which they aim to achieve 10 out of 10. This challenge covers a variety of calculations and mathematical concepts. We will also continue with our core maths and this term we will cover: time- calculating time intervals, interpreting timetables and using a formula to calculate speed, distance and time; statistics, recording and interpreting information from bar, line and pie charts; angles, measuring and calculating angles and measuring length.


In reading the children will be continuing to develop their comprehension skills, fluency and expression through a group reading book. They will continue to read a book of choice at home and complete reading homework on this text.

The children will continue to develop their skills in writing a variety of genres of texts and will be encouraged to use sophisticated vocabulary, powerful openers, sophisticated connectives and accurate punctuation in all their writing.