Toys, Books, CDs, DVDs

As part of their recycling project, Primary 3 are having a toy sale on Thursday 1st May. Could you please have a little ‘clear out’ in the Easter holidays and send in bags of good quality, unwanted toys with your child during the first week back to school.
Thank you from
Mrs Clyne and Primary 3

School Improvement—Homework Survey

As part of our journey to improve experiences for all children here at Braehead we would like to seek and collate your views on Homework.  Please complete the survey by clicking onto the links below—there are 2 so please make sure you do both sets so you can share your views.  If you require a paper copy then please contact the school office.  Once we have collated parents, pupils and staff views we aim to create a homework policy that will clearly state the expectations of homework across the school.

P6’s trip to Pittodrie and Aberdeen Sports Village

Primary 6 recently attended an interactive healthy lifestyle session at Pittodrie Stadium where they had the opportunity to investigate how much/what they should eat for a healthy diet.  They then were involved in a  practical football coaching session on the indoor pitch at Aberdeen Sports Village.  This was an excellent opportunity that fits well into our health and well being curriculum.  I am very pleased to share that the children represented Braehead in a very positive manner and were highly commended for their effort throughout the event.


Celebration Assembly 11.03.14

Well done to all the pupils on our Celebration list!
P1 Rhiannon and Leo for writing super stories by themselves.
P1/2 Lucy for riding her bike without stabilisers.
P2 Whole class for their super Grandparents and Parents afternoon.
P 3 Cameron, Abi, Katie and Lucas for presenting super talks to their class.
P4 Whole class for being really helpful to Mrs McGeough and for working hard.
P5 Whole class for writing super poems about food
P6 – Whole class for their behaviour on their recent trip to Pittodrie.
P7 Michal for writing a super sci-fi story and working hard and Dylan for always meeting deadlines and his attitude to learning.

Also, thank you to Lenin (P5) for helping with today’s assembly – setting up the music and playing the Powerpoint slides.

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