A busy start to the year

Primary 5 have been very busy so far this term.

We have all settled into P5 life and are able to follow the daily and weekly routines.

Our topic this term is Titanic! We received a secret mission and we had to create a wall display in our classroom to begin our topic.

We have been learning to compare and contrast life on Titanic to life today. We have looked closely at the different classes and treatment of classes on board the Titanic. We have focussed on famous passengers and the amenities available on board the Titanic. We have also had a look at buoyancy and what makes an object buoyant or sink. In gym we have been playing listening games where we have to follow a variety of instructions. The most popular game seems to be the Titanic where we have had to run to ‘port’ or ‘starboard’ or ‘climb the rigs,’ ‘lifeboats,’ ‘submarine’ etc.

We know about how the Titanic was built and the events that led to its fatal sinking.

In maths we have covered whole number so far. The Pentagons have been looking at divisibility and rounding. The Triangles have been partitioning numbers and consolidating how to read and write large numbers. They have also been revising number bonds and consolidating previous learning. The Squares have been adding and subtracting multiples of 10 and 100 and strategies to do this quickly. All groups have been looking at rounding and have been playing a variety of games (some of which you may have seen at Open Night) to consolidate new concepts.


In Writing we have been describing settings and have been using techniques such as WOW words, similes, metaphors and adjectives.

Miss Dow has been doing some French with us as well as Mrs Shepherd. We have been looking at greetings, colours and days of the week so far. We learn mostly through games and conversation but we also complete some worksheets and listen to videos and use songs.

Finally a big thank you to everyone who was able to attend open night last Wednesday. It was lovely to meet everyone and the children enjoyed showing some of their work and activities that they have been using in class so far this year.


I hope everyone has had a lovely and relaxed long weekend and the children are looking forward to coming back to school tomorrow.