Hello world!

Welcome to the P5D blog and welcome to Term 1! 


I’d like to welcome all children to Primary 5D 🙂 I’m looking forward to an exciting year ahead where we are going to learn lots of new things and develop our skills.

The timetable this term will be:

Monday: Gym with Miss Mair,  ICT

Tuesday: Art with Mrs Brew

Wednesday: Paired Reading with P2

Thursday: Gym with Miss Dow

Friday: Assembly (fortnightly), French with Mrs Shepherd, Miss Cusick, Golden Time



Homework this year will still be handed out on a Wednesday and due back every Monday. To get homework started, your child will be coming with a short reading book on Wednesday to read and discuss for Monday. Once class routines and lessons are up and running, they will be receiving more lengthy and challenging reading homework. Children are also asked to cover their homework and reading jotters and use the given printed labels to stick on the front covers. Please can children bring in a wet weather activity, painting apron/old shirt and a gym kit as soon as possible.

Many thanks,

Miss Dow