This week we will be focusing on:
Counting up in multiples of 10, 100 and 1000
Learn Its
Times Tables- 3x
dividing by 100
It’s Nothing New
Jigsaw Numbers
Just another – Aberdeen site
This week we will be focusing on:
Counting up in multiples of 10, 100 and 1000
Learn Its
Times Tables- 3x
dividing by 100
It’s Nothing New
Jigsaw Numbers
Please continue to complete the SAY, LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK homework to reinforce the spelling sounds that are taught in school. To ensure pupils are challenging themselves and really thinking about their spelling sounds, pupils should be aiming to write sentences that include wow words, interesting openers, appropriate connectives and varied punctuation in addition to LSCWC.
Adam is always so kind, caring and helpful in and out of class! He is a lovely friend to his classmates and is always the first to offer a helping hand!
This week we will be focusing on:
writing numbers in words
Learn Its
Times Tables- 4x
dividing by 10
It’s Nothing New
Jigsaw Numbers
Division- simple division using times table knowledge
Please continue to complete the SAY, LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK homework to reinforce the spelling sounds that are taught in school. To ensure pupils are challenging themselves and really thinking about their spelling sounds, pupils should be aiming to write sentences that include wow words, interesting openers, appropriate connectives and varied punctuation in addition to LSCWC.
Victor has be an excellent role model in our class this week. He has shown fantastic listening skills, always follows the class charter/school aims and has also produced a fantastic diamante poem!
We have been…
This week we will be focusing on:
Writing numbers in their word form.
Learn Its
Times Tables- 3x and 2x
It’s Nothing New
Squiggleworth- Partitioning numbers
563- 500+60+3
Addition– Column method
Please continue to complete the SAY, LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK homework to reinforce the spelling sounds that are taught in school. To ensure pupils are challenging themselves and really thinking about their spelling sounds, pupils should be aiming to write sentences that include wow words, interesting openers, appropriate connectives and varied punctuation in addition to LSCWC.
Tyler has been showing excellent effort and enthusiasm in his learning. He has tried hard with tricky literacy work and it was great to see how proud he was of all he achieved.